The Beginning

In a faraway land, with beautiful vast plains insight everywhere, everything looked so magical, As if seeing a fairytale world, pure and clean. And in this beautiful world, there was a small village surrounded by small beautiful hills. The Village looked very peaceful as the people were doing there work without the fear of anything. The view of the place was very beautiful as the small hills surrounding it had beautiful flowers on them, and clear streams flow between them producing a great harmony with nature.

Similarly, on one of the hills, a small boy of 4-5 years of age with small stature and white silvery hairs could be seen sitting on it, under a tree, enjoying this peaceful atmosphere while looking towards the road and thinking about something very deeply.

The boy could see the whole village from this hillside, the little birds flying and the far away from beautiful forest that remains unusually quiet all year round. If one were to look closely then they wouldn't think that this boy was only a small child but a mature person who has seen the difficulties in life.

But as soon as the boy turned his head towards the other side, all the beautiful image he had was ruined as one of his eyes was black and a small blue color pupil could be seen through the small gap between the eyelids.

"Damn that bitch, did she had to be so brutal, throwing a bowl at my beautiful face, and she even added a bit of Qi in it, that whore I thought, I was going to die."

"I already died once and I don't want to die a young again" thinking about it the boy once again dived into his thoughts and said "Its been five years huh... Time flies... But how the fuck did I end up in this shitty world"

" Haaaa!! It still stings a bit, Heh!! but I at least got the feeling of having a panda eye, but I must say it's not a good feeling". Said the boy while touching his face with his small hands.

The words said by him weren't heard by anyone or else they would have thought they have been dreaming, As seeing a small boy cursing was definitely not normal.

The boy, being lost in thought again didn't notice a woman behind him climbing in hurried steps turning her head around as if looking for something.

The woman was very beautiful having a height 5.7 feet with large breasts, a slim waist but wide hips that don't look bad all but produced a charm making her look perfect with this figure. She had black silvery hairs with blue eyes with golden color around her pupils, a round face with pink soft lips, and a sharp outlook that amazingly suited her perfectly.

She had a frown on her face looking tense and as if mad at something, searching here and there with her eyes. Her face looked angry but deep in her eyes, one could feel her terror as if she could destroy anything in her sight.

Looking around for a while, She saw a small boy on the hillside under the tree as if in deep thought. Looking at him, the frown she had on her face until now disappeared and she smiled lovingly at him after confirming he was fine. She walked towards him in soft steps as not to scare him and said in a slow and deep voice showing her love.


The boy, as if startled awake looked back at the woman who he seemed to have missed all this while, smiled brightly as all the depressing fog of thoughts he had around him was blown away like dandelions in the wind.

Looking at the woman who was as beautiful as a fairy, he said "Mother!!! You are back?... but why are you here?... Did you already know about the incident?... Are you also going to reprimand to me now?... It wasn't even my fault!... how would I know that she was changing clothes in the medicinal hall,.... look she even hit me!... I almost lost my eye". Long'er said while looking at her as if wronged and showing his eye which was different from the other while wanting to find some comfort from her.

The woman Long'er's Mother hurriedly walked towards him and touches his face asking" Let me see. Ahh!! This looks bad!... Does it hurt a lot?... Is your eye alright?... Can you see through it?... Let me blow a bit so it won't hurt and go with me to the medical hall to see the physician." while blowing on his eye slowly.

The boy whose face was blown on blushes a bit and smiled brightly and said" It doesn't hurt now when mother touched it, all the pain got away"

The woman looked a bit at the boy and said " My! my! What a naughty boy you are! Already knows how to sweet talk now. Well, this is also good at least I don't have to worry about your wife in the future. I can see that you will have a lot of girls around you huh! With how adorable you are right now, you will definitely be a young and handsome fellow in the future". smiled as she said that.

Long'er looked at her mother's beautiful face and pouted cutely while say " Humph! I will not marry anyone, except someone who is as beautiful as you" while looking away.

The woman looked at this cute creature and hugged him while saying " Hahaha! My son has high requirements huh. But this is troublesome as there's probably none like me here. Hmm, maybe one day when you leave me to travel the world, you will find someone you love and care about."

The boy said " I won't leave you ever" and then become sad and said " And it's not like I can leave anyway"

His mother also became sad when she heard him and wanted to say something to make him cheerful again but didn't know-how.

Tang Long looking at his mother's worry-filled eyes smiled brightly and said " Don't worry if I don't find anyone, I will just marry mother and live the rest of my life with you".

The woman looked at the cheeky smile of his son and smiled said. " Haha! We will see but I don't think you will like this old lady when you grow up. I can see that my cute son will have a lot of wives in the future huh... You will probably forget this old lady here but at least I will have my grandchildren to play with"

Long'er said hurriedly" How do you look old, you will always remain young for me even when I grow up you will be number 1 in my heart even if I have a lot of wives in the future," said seriously

His mother looked at her serious son as if confessing and smiled and said " Fufu!! I see you really got a sweet tooth, It makes me happy and you will also be in my heart always" as she hugged him.

Tang Long looked at his mother who hugged him and thought ' I was serious though, no matter I will not leave you".

The woman look at the sky which was darker now and said. "Let's go back! It is going to be dark soon"

Long'er said " I don't wanna go, she will hit me again"

" Don't worry! With me here no one will hit you again" as she caresses his head lovingly

"Let's go"

" Yes, mother" while holding her hand tightly.