A Rank Four Mutant Beast 2

"Just what the heck have we gotten ourselves into!"

This was the only thought in Tang Long mind. Even when he knew, This could have been avoided, he just can't blame them anyway as who would think that idiot will propose her there.

When Tang Long saw that Feifei was shocked still and won't be able to avoid the threat he asked Meihui to help her get out of the way and fired arrows towards the beast to distract it who was half out of the pond.

Then there was Tang Huang whose status was unknown, He has sent Lan and Kai to go and check on him but thinking of how he was bulldozed he is probably out of commission.

As Tang long fired the arrows at the beast to help Meihui, he noticed that the arrows weren't able to penetrate its skin, it was more like a mosquito bite to it, which further made him annoyed thinking of how weak he is, who can't even help his family when they are in danger.

But he kept this feeling in his heart for now and kept his focus while watching all the others. Meihui had brought Feifei back but she was still not out of it, so he asked Meihui "How is it at close? Do you think we can beat it?"

Meihui who was helping me keeping the monster at bay didn't say anything but just shake her head a bit. Tang Long understood it that they won't be able to do anything to the beast if this continues and will probably become its lunch.

Thinking about it for a while, he made a decision and said " Meihui! Take Lan and kai with you, they won't be much help anyway in this situation. Take Feifei and Tang Huang with you fast as he needs someone to help him and with the things here, he won't make it. Hurry up and go, while I will keep it after me and letting you guys pass through easily".

Meihui as if she didn't hear kept attacking the monster with her sword from the side but it wouldn't even leave a scratch on its slimy skin.

Knowing that she has heard him and is just feigning ignorance. Tang Long said " I know you have heard me. If this goes on we all will just die. I know that you have to keep me safe but if you stay here you won't do anything and just increase the burden on me. So Just Go!!! And bring help while I am still able to block it"

Hearing it this time, she knew that what he said was the truth as if they kept here then they will just keep increasing the pressure. Tang Huang is already out and Feifei in no way can help, leaving Tang Lan and kai which are almost negligible at this stage of the fight as even Tang Long is only able to fight because he is using arrows otherwise he would also be a waste at this point.

Thinking about it, Meihui finally spoke, "Give me the bow and arrows. I will the bait and you go back with everyone, I will give you enough time to escape from here then....."

"NO, While I am here, I will never let you be left behind. Did you forget what I said to you back then, Even though I am weak I will still do my best to protect you. So just go and I will wait for your return," Interrupted Tang Long as he said.

Meihui heard him and thought about the day when they first met and the lines he said with a bright smile on his face. Honestly, she thought of it as a joke as with his weak body there was no way for him to protect her.

But now that she saw him fighting his best while finding a way for her to get away, she was touched.

She knew that she cant wait long, so finding a chance she went up to him and kissed on his cheek and jumped back to run away.

Tang Long who felt something soft touch his cheek lost his concentration for a bit and almost got nailed by the bear type monster as he shouted "What was that for "while looking at the running figure. He could see that her neck and ears were all red.

"Motivation!" shouted Meihui as she added " Don't die I will come back fast." and ran away without looking back.

When Tang Long heard it he smiled and kept doing his job. He knew that there was no way that she will make it in time as his stamina was running out, but he was happy. He did have some regrets thinking "Looks like I won't be able to see her again" as he thought a face which was close to his heart.

Then he turned his attention again towards the beast and looked at its full body which was out of the pond now.

It was a 10 meters high bear-like monster with four long arms and a fish-like tail. It clearly was an aquatic animal but was able to walk on land too. It has four beady eyes on its head. The good thing was that it was a bit slow on land and Tang Long was able to dodge its attack on time.

Tang Long knew he had to bring this bear away from the direction of the village for the rest to pass easily, So he fired two consecutive arrows one at the bear's genitals and the other at the bear's eyes.

When the bear saw the opponent using such a cheap method it roared at him and use two arms to protect its eyes and two arms to protect its genitals.

When Tang Long saw his plan working he jumped to one side and shot an arrow at the bear's ear, As It was protecting his eyes the bear didn't see Tang Long jumping to the side and was hit in the ear with the arrow sticking out of it.


The bear roared as it was hit at a soft spot, it didn't think that its prey will be able to hurt him at all. Angry at the ant ahead of him, it charged madly at him.

Tang Long who saw the bear charging at him in madness knew that his plan was successful and started running towards the inner forest, opposite to the others.

Tang Long kept running deeper and deeper into the forest while looking back to see if the bear was still on his tail. The bear was quite mad as it charged recklessly killing everything coming in its path.

Tang Long saw this but still kept throwing taunting arrows, stones, and even tree branches which he collected on the way. The bear who was behind his tail was so angry that it had several tick marks on his head showing its anger.

If the bear was allowed to speak then it would definitely curse this person to death. Not only was this person despicable but the method he used was also the same as he kept attacking his eyes and genitals.

The bear was almost scared to death at one time when an arrow almost scratched its testicles. The bear had to almost jump holding a tree branch to keep his beasthood.

But it knew that its prey was just a weakling and he would soon be able to enjoy its tender flesh as it roared showing its sick expression of how it was going to torture the prey while enjoying it.

Tang Long who heard the excited roar of the bear thought 'looks like it has decided to have me for his dinner. Now I don't have to focus on taunting it and should just focus on getting away from it.'

After knowing that the bear will remain on him new he didn't have to waste extra stamina on taunting it and focused on getting away from it.

"If this goes on then I will get tired first, I have to think of another way to get around this" Thought Tang Long.