Chapter 5: The Third Test

Chapter 5: The Third Test Andrew O'Kelley

The room for the trial of Fire was not what Daniel had expected. In his mind, he had envisioned a place full of hot magma, dripping from the ceiling before dropping in clumps into red-hot pools of the molten liquid. Instead, when he walked through the door, he found himself on a small half-moon-shaped stone platform.

The platform was raised roughly half a foot above the rest of the room. The meaning for this was not evident to him. Daniel scanned around looking for the exit but didn’t see it anywhere. “Another puzzle to solve then. I’ve got this,” and he felt he did.

With a tired sigh, Daniel began to mentally prepare himself for whatever was to come his way. In his gut and by instinct, Daniel knew nothing about finishing this trial would be easy. "And why would it be? Why should it be? Nothing worth gaining should come easy," he asked himself critically.