Chapter 10: A World Apart

Chapter 10: A World Apart Andrew O'Kelley

The sun rose high against an otherwise grey sky. Though the caravan left the snow behind them at the Academy, the cold lingered miserably. Among all of those who had departed the Academy, none were more miserable then Daniel Richards.

Miles and hours down the road, Daniel shivered alone in the back of the carriage. Away from the prying eyes of others, Daniel bitterly wished he had packed the embroidered blue and white blanket bearing the sigil of the Academy, instead of leaving the blanket behind on the doorstep of a junior classmen.

Or, better yet, Daniel wished he was traveling with someone who could provide a little warmth. Maybe one of his classmates who was specialized with the elements of Fire or Wind, someone who could summon a gentle warm breeze to circulate around the cabin. Or someone who could start a fire in the brazier to warm his otherwise frozen bones.