Chapter 13: The Next Day

Chapter 13: The Next Day Andrew O'Kelley

The next day Daniel was woken up from a dead sleep by the sounds of the baying of dogs, and the neighing of horses. The disturbance brought about by the sounds of trumpets. Sitting up abruptly, Daniel realized he had passed out the night before. Oh, we must be there already. But what about the battle? As if to answer his question, his status appeared before him, showing him the updates.

Scan Results – Daniel Richards


Human, Other, ????


Essence Weaver – Essence Weavers are able to incorporate traits of fallen monsters they’ve absorbed into every spell and ability.


Cadet - Imperial Position 197th


Ascended Heir - Ascended Heirs will eventually, with age, reach ascension, which allows those who possess this trait to add or create permanent effects to their abilities.