Please leave, Mr. Fort

Zaria didn't know why she was uncomfortable with the idea of meeting the Sparks family with Desmond, but it didn't sit well with her. However, it wasn't like she had a choice to say no. She was his executive assistant and it was only right for her to accompany him to business meetings.

Smiling at her compliance, he glanced at her business outfit with a slight frown. "Would you like to change into something else? You could go for a dress the color of my suit."

"No need." She dismissed him. Was he a fool? Who would go to meet his fiancée's family while wearing matching attire with another woman?

When he left, she wondered whether she should have refused to accompany him. If she insisted on not wanting to go, would he have an intern or Liam go with him instead?

But what reason did she have to not want to go?