Go to hell

The following evening.

Desmond was about to leave his office after working overtime when Liam arrived.

"I don't know why Lucy is back." He stated straight to the point, knowing that the latter was tired. He had seen her leaving the company building earlier. At the time, he merely suspected the identity of the woman but when he saw Zaria run after her and call the former her mother, he knew that his suspicion was right. The woman was Lucy Roatta, and Zaria really was her daughter.

"Does it bother you?" Came Desmond's indifferent question as though he could not be bothered with whatever was happening.

"Of course it would. She is up to something, I just don't know what it is." Liam didn't think he was being paranoid over nothing. First, he found out that Zaria might be investigating him and Desmond, and now her mother returns?