How lucky

Desmond frowned at what he had just heard. Did Lucy just call Zaria her daughter? They all knew this, but he also knew that Lucy had blatantly denied Zaria and even claimed that she had never been married and didn't have a daughter. Why was she suddenly reclaiming her and acting like she was defending her?

Alyssa was even more shocked. She looked at the woman on her right with eyes full of disbelief, making Lucy roll her eyes at her.

"Don't pretend you don't know who the mother of Theodore's daughter is. Isn't it because you knew she is my daughter that you urged your son to sue her?" She dropped a bombshell.

"What did you say?" Desmond was yet to digest one piece of shock when the next landed, and he was caught off guard.

"Don't make things up, Lucy!" Alyssa raised her voice at the other, who merely laughed like she was having the time of her life.