The little devil

When Zaria returned to her seat, she caught Natalie smiling and giving her a meaningful look.

"What's going on?" She had a strange feeling about Natalie's grin.

"It really was because you had missed your boyfriend. Do you feel better now after hearing some sweet, loving words?" Natalie winked.

"What? He didn't…" Zaria was speechless. No matter what she said, Natalie would never believe a word of it. She was hell set on believing whatever she wanted.

"How is Devonte?" She asked to divert the other's attention.

"He is alright."

Although that was what she said, Zaria was certain that she had caught a hint of sadness in Natalie's voice for a second.

"Is he treating you well?" She asked out of concern. "If he isn't, I will get his die-hard fans to one star the hell out of all his movies." She threatened seriously.

Natalie laughed. "Would you go against your idol for me?"