Dinner (2)

"What are you doing here?" The words flew off her tongue before she could process it.

Theodore did not look in the slightest bit amused. He swept his eyes over her. "Are you asking me what I'm doing in my house?"

She stepped aside to make way for him. "That's not what I meant."

Zaria rushed out when she heard his voice and was shocked. "Dad, didn't you go to Luxenville?"

"Nope. Change of plans. Did I disappoint you?"

He was teasing her, but she was too shocked to realize it. "No, that's not it. It's just… you had a meeting to catch."

"The interview was postponed and I was yet to board the train so I came back." He placed his briefcase on the couch nearest to the door. "Of course, I ruined the game that the little mice were playing while I was away."

She was no longer certain whether he was joking or upset. "Dad…"