My girlfriend is jealous of you

When Zaria was done dressing, she was greeted by the off scene in the living room. She swept her gaze between her parents who were engrossed in whatever they were discussing. Lucy was laughing her heart out at something that Theodore said and he instinctively placed his palm behind her head in fear that she would get hurt even though the backrest of the cough was too fluffy to hurt.

She stopped moving, afraid to disrupt the rare scene. She quickly realized that she was the subject of their laughter. She followed Theodore's gaze to Lucy's lap, where there was a photo album.

"This is Ximena. You must have met her." She heard Theodore say as he pointed at one of the pictures. When Lucy nodded, Theodore hummed in approval. "She is Zaria's best friend. She did all the dirty work that I had to do when Zaria was a teenager."

"What dirty work?" Lucy asked.

"Kicking teenage boy butt." Theodore laughed.