Engaged to Desmond

That evening.

The banquet turned out to be better than Zaria thought. She had planned it with the help of the planning department and she couldn't wait to see Desmond's reaction upon his arrival.

She knew that there would be friends and partners attending with their children so she had specifically opted for a resort with a swimming pool so the children would have fun while the adults turned a birthday banquet into a business setting to make allies. It couldn't be helped with all the tycoons coming in one place and it would be too boring for the young ones.

She had decided to spend more time on the kids' side of the banquet so she wore a simple A-line dress and low heeled sandals for ease of movement. Ximena had made her wear a rabbit ear tiara on her head for fun and it looked quite cute paired with her outfit.

"It's Zaria!" A little girl yelled in the crowd of kids and in the next second, all the kids gathered at her feet to say hi. "Zaria!"