Little demons, unleashed

Liam was racking his brains for something to say when his phone saved him by ringing. He had turned it back on since Ximena knew he was faking the low battery and it had rang at the right time.

"Oh, it's Desmond. He mentioned that Rosaly wanted to say hi to me." He smiled, looking forward to speaking to the girl who would probably become his goddaughter unofficially.

"Rosaly?" Ximena raised an eyebrow at the name.

"Desmond's daughter." He explained briefly and answered the call. Sure enough, it was Rosaly and she wanted to video call. Liam accepted the video call request with permission from Ximena.

"Hello princess."

The girl waved at the screen with her pencil in hand, which made Liam smile dotingly. "Are you doing your homework?"

"I just finished. Daddy helped me."

Liam held back a laugh. Desmond helping a little girl do her homework, now that was something one didn't get to witness every day.