Skeleton contest

Zeus entered the office barely a few seconds after Natalie left and from his expression, he was well aware of the conversation that had happened between the two women.

"Do you have anything to say?" Lucy asked, feigning ignorance even though she knew what her son was fuming about.

Zeus shut the door with more force than necessary before angrily confronting his mother. "It's one thing to try and teach me how to live my life. Why did you blame this on Natalie? It was my choice to like her and she has nothing to do with it!"

"I didn't blame your choices on anyone." She returned to working as though she couldn't see him anymore, upsetting the young man all the more.

"I have every right to know why I can't be with Natalie."

Lucy rubbed her temples. "Now Zeus, don't blame your inability to win a woman's heart on me."