A spectacular performance

"Zaria and Zeus specially made lasagna coming right up!" He cheered and hurried out of the room, where the couple exchanged glances. 

"Can he cook?" Asked Theodore, because his son was way too playful. He couldn't be pegged as the type to enjoy a homemade meal or make an effort to cook it. 

"I would outright say no but this is Zeus we are talking about here. He is full of surprises." She reached for the bottle of wine. "Do you want some wine?"" 

"I should be the one offering you some and I'll take that as a yes." He picked up the stem glasses and poured wine into their glasses. 

"Since our kids prepared this specially for us, we should not disappoint them." 

"Truer words have never been said." She clinked her glass with his before they both downed their wine. '

He gazed at her and asked, "Your fans were curious to know what would become of us now that the truth is out. What do you think?"