The mistress

"Rosaly?" Desmond called out to the little girl as he knocked on the door to her room. She had not locked it but he wanted to be certain that she was willing to see him.

"I'm coming in, okay?' He spoke. She didn't speak, so he gently pushed the door open and poked his head in. She was on the floor, pulling at a doll's hair and crying. She neither seemed to notice nor acknowledge his presence. His heart broke seeing her like this and he wanted nothing more than to rip Angela into shreds. The heartless woman.

Entering the room, he quietly sat next to her for a while until she finally realized he was there and turned to look at him.

"Do you want to talk about it with Daddy?"

She rubbed her fists across her eyes to wipe her tears, threw her doll aside and held out her small arms to be hugged. "I don't want Zaria to be your girlfriend." She cried against Desmond's chest once he held her.