Wrapped around a tiny pinky finger

"How did you get Melanie to drop the suit?" Desmond asked later in the evening. They had made plans for dinner at his house, and Zaria had just arrived.

She placed her handbag on the couch tiredly and kicked off her heels, then joined him on the loveseat. "She did?"

"A few minutes ago." He affirmed. "Grandma just called me."

"Well that was fast." She curled up into his arms. "I met up with her not more than an hour ago. Let's just say I dragged her skeletons out of the safety of her closet."

"You must have dug out the most influential ones." He praised with a kiss on her forehead. Not only had Melanie dropped the suit, but she had also agreed to pretend that it was still on, all while rejecting the hush fee.

"I'm glad she is out of the way. Or at least she won't cause any more trouble." She let out the breath she had been holding. "It's Nathaniel's turn."