Honeymoon (1)

While he would have loved to bribe her into staying indoors the whole day, he knew how much she had missed her childhood home. She would want to explore, and check out what had changed and what had stayed the same. 

Her excitement was contagious. When she grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door, he could only smile and follow suit. 

"I can't believe we are here. Do you know who lives in our old house?" She asked, then immediately realized it was a silly question. Desmond had merely scouted the place for their first honeymoon destination. 

"I would ask to see all the places you frequented as a child but you were too young to remember much." He remarked, sliding his fingers through hers to interlock them. 

She blinked. "I remember some places. Those that I went to on many occasions. Come on, I'll show you to the antique market." 

"Antique market?" He wondered whether it was a market where one could find antiques.