Deal with the Wests (1)

"In your fucking dreams!" Desmond glared at Oliver, then at Zaria. Why did she come? She knew it would be dangerous. He would have blamed Evan for bringing her but he knew his wife all too well. 

"Since it is settled, you and your daughter may leave." Oliver dismissed his protest. 

He shot a glare at Oliver. "Don't tempt me." 

Oliver thought it was the best time to laugh and make fun. "Stalling won't help you. You're just delaying the inevitable. How about you simply leave and let us have the discussion we need to have. The sooner you leave, the sooner your wife will follow you home. Now, move along." 

"I'll be fine." Zaria assured him. 

He knew the Wests weren't stupid enough to actually cause her any harm. No one wanted to get on Lucy's side. Even so, that didn't guarantee her safety. There was always the tiny chance they were willing to self-destruct just to get revenge.