Date (2)

"Where are we going?" Zaria asked and immediately changed her mind. "Never mind. I know you are not going to answer me anyway." 

He glanced sideways at her with a smile. "Maybe I changed my mind about wanting to surprise you and I will tell you about it if you ask nicely?" 

She didn't buy it. "Pigs will fly before you 'ruin the date' by telling me about it too soon." All he had said was she should wear something sexy, which is exactly what he would say whether they were going hiking or to a fancy restaurant. Since it was an evening date, she had gone for the safe choice and wore a black dress. It was almost certain to fit into whatever he had planned out for them. 

When they finally arrived and she saw where they were going, she held back a gasp. "Whoa…this place is beautiful." She looked up at the restaurant's name,