Welcome party (1)

Although Holden's christening wasn't for another three weeks, Devonte's excuse wasn't entirely fake. Zaria and Desmond were throwing a party to celebrate his arrival, which was why Ximena and Liam were staying in Imperium a little longer. 

"Uncle Liam, pleeease." Rosaly batted her eyelashes at Liam, who looked down at her helplessly. 

This was the scene Zaria and Desmond came back to after putting Holden to sleep. 

"The little…" Desmond started speaking, and cleared his throat when he caught Zaria's glare. He stopped himself from saying 'devil' and replaced it with, "the little bundle of joy, our beloved son and the most important little guy in the world, finally fell asleep." 

Zaria rolled her eyes while Ximena chuckled. "Nice save, Desmond." 

"I wish someone would save me." Liam complained, making them all look over.