Part One: The Truth

"Ok," Boss said, "why don't we introduce ourselves."

"Ok," Josh and Sky said at the same time.

"The girl can go first," Josh said.

"Ok. My name is Sky Cloud," Sky said.

Boss and Josh was shocked to hear her last name.

"Ok, my name is Ray," Ray said, "but for now you can call me boss."

"Ok," Sky said.

"My name is Josh," Josh said.

"Can I leave? My Aunt is probably worried about me," Sky asked.

"No," Ray said.

"What? Why not?!?!?!?" Sky yelled.

"Because, you can't tell anyone about you being an assassin. Not even your Aunt," Ray said.

"I won't, but can I go?" Sky asked.

"Yes, but Josh here will take you home," Ray said.

"No, I can walk home myself," Sky said.

"Why me?!?!?!" Josh said.

"Sky, he'll take you or you won't go home. Josh, because you'll need to know where she lives," Ray said.

"Ok. Fine," Sky said as she headed for the door.

Ray whispers to Josh, "Be sure she gets home safe."

Josh whispers back, "Okay."

Sky was head of Josh. She was speed walking while Josh was trying to catch up to her.

"Wait up, SKY!!" Josh yelled.

"Hmph," Sky said as she continues to walk.

Josh caught up and tripped Sky.

Sky falls as she said, "Why?"

Josh just continued walking.

Sky got up and ran ahead of Josh and stopped.

They did this till they reached Sky's house. A lot of people watched them and started to whisper to one another saying that their a cute couple.

Sky went inside and went to her room.

Josh went back.

The next day

Sky got up and got dressed. She went to the kitchen in her aunt's house/her home to get something to eat before she heads off.

"Sky, my darling, where are you heading off?" Aunt Rie asked.

"I'm heading off to hang out with Cam and I won't be back till night," Sky said.

"Ok, well you better be back by curfew," Aunt Rie said.

"Yea, I know," Sky said.

"Ok. Be safe," Aunt Rie said.

"I will, don't worry. Plus you shouldn't be worried I'll be with Cam," Sky said.

Sky opened the door and walks out. She walks to the "guild."

Someone was watching her from above.