Part Four: Caught

Ray walked straight towards Sky. Sky was confused why he was coming straight towards her. Ray was about a few feet away from her.

"Hello, everyone. You're probably wondering why I called for a meeting," Ray said as he walked away from Sky.

Everyone just nodded.

"Well, we have a new member. She found Josh yesterday while he was on a mission. I thought that she could be great help with the main mission to kill the Templars," Ray said as he sat down in his chair.

Everyone, except for Sky, looked at Josh.

"I was on top of a roof and didn't think that someone was going to look up at the sky," Josh said in a defensive tone.

"Sure," A girl said as she come from the door way.

"Hello, Emerald," Josh said as he smiled.

"Hey Josh. Sorry that I'm late. My brother didn't wake me up," Emerald said.

"Its fine," Ray said, "anyway, she's going to be joining the guild. I've seen her fight before with a Templar."

Everyone stared at Sky. Sky felt unsafe. She didn't really like people staring at her because she was friends with a Templar.

There's a perk having a Templar friend. That perk is.....

Sky said quietly, "Please stop looking at me."

No body heard her, except Josh and Ray.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ray yelled making everyone go quiet and looks at him.

Sky just looked at Ray then Josh. Josh and Ray looked at each other then at Sky.

They said something that Sky couldn't hear. Josh nodded and came towards Sky. Sky was confused even more. Josh grabbed Sky's hand and headed towards the door. Everyone was still talking about Sky so no one had notice that Josh and Sky were gone.

Josh and Sky went to a training area that the new Templar guards used for training. 

"Where are we going?" Sky asked.

"The guard training thing that the Templar's use," Josh said.

"O-Wait! What if there's guards there?" Sky said-asked.

"There isn't. I checked with someone to see if they were going to train today, they said that they're weren't going to practice because of a thing that's going on in a few days," Josh said.

They were about to the training place when a Templar, that Sky knew, saw them and ran over to them.

"Hey Sky," He said.

"Oh. Hey, Eric," Sky said as she itched the back of her neck.

"How are you? Also who is he?" Eric asked as he looked at Josh.

"I've been better. Him? He's a friend that I just met a few days ago," Sky said.

"Hi, I'm Eric, Sky's boyfriend. You are?" Eric said-asked.

"I'm J. Nice to meet you, Eric. Sky here didn't tell me that she had a boyfriend, not a normal boyfriend, but a boyfriend that's a Templar guard," Josh said as he knew that Eric wasn't her boyfriend, but he decided to play along.

"She didn't?" Eric asked, "well, she probably didn't want to scare you off like she did with all of her other friends."

Sky just rolled her eyes and started to walk away. She grabbed Josh's arm.

"Sweetie, do I not get a kiss?" Eric asked.

"No," Sky said as she stopped.

"Ok," Eric said as he remembered something, "oh. Hey J, could you leave for a second, I need to talk to Sky alone for a moment."

"Sure," J said as he whispered something into Sky's ear and walked away.

"What do you want, Eric?" Sky said in a snarky voice.

"I wanted to ask you something," Eric said.

"Ok, but if it's to be your girlfriend, again, its no," Sky said.

"Its not that, but it has to do with King Derek. He's hosting a ball, and he's allowing the knights to go, but only if they have a date," Eric said, "and I was wondering if you could be my date. You could get information for the assassins."

 "Sure. Wait, how did you know about me being in the assassin guild?" Sky asked.

"Well, I overheard you and "J" talking about it," Eric said.

"Ok, the only reason that I'm going with you is because information and I'll probably get to see Cam," Sky said.

"Ok, I'll pick you at 6:30 on Wednesday," Eric said.

"I have a question," Sky said, "why did you say that I was you're girlfriend when I wasn't?'

"Well....." Eric said, "I have to go."

Eric left. Sky went towards the guard training thing. Josh didn't really go to the guard training spot. He was hiding behind a corner. 

Sky got around the corner that Josh was hiding behind. She saw Josh. Sky just walked past him. Josh followed her.

They got to the training place.