Part Twenty-Three: Going Back to the Village

"Well, he's the king. King Deimos, but then again he's enemies with everyone."

Felix's eyes widened, but then went back to normal. "Makes sense. But is he personally after you?"

Sky nodded. "To make it even worse, I'm engaged to Prince James, or well I'm playing along."

"That's a dangerous game there. What if they find out about that and who you truly are?" Felix asked.

"I know it's a dangerous game, but it's worth it. If they find out, they'd kill me. But not unless I kill them first or well kill Kind Deimos," Sky said. She had her mind made up about that. "But if you want to join me on this, then you can, just be smart and careful on how you go about it."

Felix smiled and nodded his head. "I'll help the best I can. I can try to get the other thieves and bandits in this area that are against the King."

Sky smiled.

After they got done speaking about the plan, Felix had let Sky leave to go back to the village.

Sky left and was heading back.

As she was heading back, she felt like she was being followed or watched. Sky had her hand on her dagger. She put some speed in her steps as she didn't want to fight.

The person drew in closer to her. "Sky!" they called out.

Sky stopped as soon as she heard the voice. She looked back at the person. "Josh?"

"Yes. Sorry for scaring you," he said as he went up to her.

"Why are you here and following me?"

"It's been about three hours since I saw you and everyone was starting to get worried about you. So, I told them that I would go and look for you."

"Three hours?!?!?" Sky exclaimed.

"Yeah. Where were you?"

"I was...umm...helping an old friend with his sickly sister," Sky lied, but also telling the truth.

"For three hours and didn't tell anyone where you were? What exactly happened?"

Sky ended up telling him what truly happened, told him not to overreact and go hurt Felix.

Josh looked at her as if she were crazy, but he didn't do anything as Sky wasn't his girlfriend or anyone, except for his partner from the guild.

Sky saw his facial expressions change a lot but could feel that Josh knew he couldn't really do anything about it. She started to walk back to the village.

Josh followed.

They were about to the village when Sky's stomach growled. They were both silent so it was loud.

Sky blushed and ran inside the gate as soon as they were close to the gate. She ran to her Aunt's house.