The Goblin Squadron

As I was moving through the dense forest, I noticed hunting tents and crafting equipment, indicating I was entering goblin territory

At that moment the smell of iron entered my nose ... corpses started to appear and that's when I realized the source of the foul smell ... blood, the road to the village had become a pile of dead goblins.

-Who could have made such a mess of the goblins

The wounds on the corpses were definitely from a blunt object, their broken bones being visible.

-How much force did it take to rip their skin apart and sever the bones...?

-A more dangerous enemy than the goblins is up ahead

As I followed the trail of corpses I saw him ...

A man with a height of 2 meters and muscles seemingly harder than steel was single-handedly holding his ground against the coordinated attack of 4 goblins.

These goblins, unlike the previous ones, were well fed and accustomed to battle, with big tribal tattoos on their faces and better equipment than the primitive one I had on me.

Despite his humongous frame indicating a brute, the man carefully maintained the distance between the goblins and himself.

His fists covered in blood were not allowing any opponent to approach carelessly as they knew that it would lead to instant death.

I seized the opportunity the man presented me and ambushed the goblin in the rear, stabbing it in the back and twisting the blade to hasten its death.

Upon the death of its comrade one of the remaining three goblins, let out a war cry, its eyes turning red and it's muscles being enlarged in order to bring out their full potential.

I could feel the rage that was engulfing my opponent and his murderous intent was piercing through my body.

His attacks with the bronze sword were relentless and faster than that any ordinary human could react in time

-Left side

-Right leg


Due to its extreme urge to kill me, I could sense where he would strike and barely succeeded in parrying and evading his sword.

Despite harnessing a lot of my magi to boost my body's reaction time and strength, I was the one pushed back, maybe due to my lack of actual combat experience or simply due to my low combat-related stats.

As the fight dragged on I was clearly outclassed in terms of stamina, my movements became sluggish while my opponent showed no signs of slowing down.

I had to get him to lower his guard and then aim for a decisive strike.

I remembered the second sword hanging on the leather tool belt I had picked up from the crafting station on my way here.

After making a leap backwards I threw my current sword at the goblin.

With my current strength and lack of actual skill in throwing weapons the goblin easily avoided the blade and exhilarated from the easy prey that was in front of it, made a large lunging motion aiming to pierce my stomach.

Predicting the linear arc of its sword and taking advantage of the second it would take to reach me, I grabbed my second sword and focused all of my remaining magi to my arms.

Using all my body behind the attack I struck at the goblin's sword's hilt and managed to shatter the opponent's wrist from the excessive strength, with my copper sword breaking in two as a trade-off.

With my opponent unable to strike momentarily, I seized the opportunity and thrust my fingers into both of his eyes, taking away the goblins' eyesight and shattering my index and middle finger.

Unable to see anything and in an immense amount of pain the goblin cried in agony, I grabbed the sword it wielded with my off-hand, approached the now helpless goblin, and in a very awkward motion, slashed it's the neck.

I turned my gaze to the giant man who had already crushed the skull of one of his opponents and was now against the remaining, now enraged goblin.

-It's probably an ability they have that feeds on their rage.

The goblin unable to endure the man's fast jabs lost its balance, which allowed him to throw a left punch using all his body behind it aimed at the goblin's liver, rupturing it and leaving the monster incapacitated from the extreme amount of pain and sudden drop of blood pressure.

He then proceeded to leisurely break the neck of the unconscious opponent.

At that moment our eyes locked, and since I could not feel any signs of murderous intent from him, I approached him.

"You are from Earth right?", the man did not react and continued to stare at me.

"Well, you certainly are a good fighter, how about we cooperate to clear the quest?"

Hoping to form a temporary alliance in order to ensure my safety, I tried appeasing his brute-like character.

The man stomped violently at the ground, closing the distance between us in a second and taking a battle stance.

Surprised from his reaction, I focused all my senses to predict where he would attack ...


There was no murderous intent behind his attack.

-Is he concealing his intent?

No, that was impossible, from the previous battle I was certain that he let out all his emotions when he fought.

And so I peered at his eyes, I could only feel two things from him.

-Curiosity and ... hunger

I processed all the available information I had and shouted :


The man stopped his fist an inch away from my face.

I continued talking, making a huge gamble, and said :

"Why don't you rest a bit while I hunt and cook some meat?"

As if he was amused by me, he started laughing, and for the first time, I heard something other than battle shouts coming from his mouth.

"Hm, maybe it's worth keeping you around, you even managed to kill two of those bastards. Go, I will wait here "

With that, he lied down on the ground and I went to find a suitable prey to fill that human-like monster's stomach.
