Chapter 8

When we got to Harry's house we got out of the car and walked up to the door. When he opened it, I walked in and my jaw dropped. It had a beautiful modern interior. I stood there for a few seconds until I realized Haz had walked around me. He was in front of the stairs and beckoning for me to follow him.

"Where are we going" I question.

"To your room".

"I have my own room?"

"Well when we are here you can't just sleep on the couch and I figured since I do have a guest room it would just be rude."

After I dropped my stuff off in the room I would be staying in while we were in London I went back downstairs to find Harry in the kitchen starting to make pasta.

"So when do I get to meet your husband," I asked walking into the kitchen.

"Tonight actually he is on his way over right now" he answers turning away from the stove to face me.

"Wait really. Fuck I am going to meet him tonight. I'm not ready for this" I said getting really nervous because Like wow.

"Elly calm down you will be fine," Harry says trying to calm me down but not helping.

I hear a door open then someone says in a Yorkshire accent "Sun I am home".

"Hey, Boobear we are in here".

I hear footsteps and all sudden Louis appears in front of me and says "You must be Elly, nice to meet you".

He sticks out his hand for me to shake so I do and say "N-nice to m-meat you to". After I was done talking he walks over to haz and gives him a kiss.

"Wait why are you more nervous to meet him then you were to meet me?"

"I didn't know I was meeting you it was a surprise whereas tonight I have the build-up. Sure it was short but it was enough time to run through a few possibilities to how I can Fuck this up".

"There is no way for you to fuck this up... Unless you make moves on my man or you are a total dick".

"Well I don't think I am too much of a dick and I would never you two are too damn cute together".

"oooh hazza I like this one," Louis says nuzzling his head into Harry's neck. Both haz and I just laugh because lou is acting like a little kid.

After a few hours of talking and laughing, I decided it was time to head up to my room for two reasons. I am really tired. And two haz and Lou has missed each other so they are being all cute and stuff but seeing it I am starting to miss Payton, which is not good. Why is it that she broke my heart yet I can't get her off my mind?

When I woke up the next morning I checked my phone to see I had a few missed calls from Lena... Wait shit I forgot to tell her. How could no forget to tell my best friend that I met my idol and now I am spending the summer with him? Now that I think about it I have not told anyone but my parents... I have a lot of calls to make.

I decided to call Lena first even though I didn't think she would answer because it was probably late there.

To my surprise, she did "Hey Elly where have you been? I have called you Like a thousand times."

"I know I am so sorry the past 48 hours or so have been crazy".

"What do you mean?" She asked in a worried tone. I

"No don't worry nothing bad. Actually probably the best 48 hours I have ever had".

"Well tell me already, before I fly to L.A. And make you tell me".

"I'm not actually in L.A. anymore."

"Wait what? Where are you? Are you home? I've missed you so much. Are you home?"

"No I'm not home, I'm sorry and I've missed you too but I'm actually in London".

"Wait why are you in London?"

"Well, the other day at my internship my boss came and got me at my desk and took me back to his office. When we got to his office he opened the door and there was a guy in the office. The guy told me that he wanted me to join him for the summer because he was a musician so I could see what my life would be like if I was a manager and if course I took it. So now I am in London" I say with a smile on my face.

Lena just looked at me in disbelief but right before she answered the door to my room swung open and Harry walked in and said "Hey Elly, I am going to go pick up some coffee for Lou and I do you want anything?"

"Um sure, I'll have an iced Carmel Mankato. Thanks haz!"

"Yep and Louis is staying here obviously but I figured I should tell you so you don't walk around naked."

"Harry I met you a few days ago why would I walk around your house naked".

" I don't know women are weird," he said as he walked out.

"Harry...?" Lena asked wide-eyed.

"Yeah that's the guy I am spending my summer with"

"Ok, but what's Harry's last name?"

" I bet you can get it in under three guesses... He is British, he said Louis and we'll what else do you need. "

"You are spending the summer with fucking Harry styles!"


"Your lying"

"You just heard his voice."

"Ok, that's fair. Elly you met your idol and found out that the two people that you have been saying are together are actually together AND you are hanging out with them all summer."

" I know it is so surreal but you do know you can't tell anyone about the right, I probably shouldn't have told you... But technically I didn't Harry did... I mean I would have told you anyway but still. "

"Elly I think that you have just had the best week ever".

"Yeah I know I feel so lucky and you haven't heard the last bit." I stopped and Lena gave me a look saying if you don't continue I will kill you so I do " well the other night the day before we left for London we went to a party at Justin Bieber's house and I got hammered but that's not the good part, I mean it was a ton of fun, but anyway the next morning I looked like shit and Niall came over to Harry's house for some reason and let me tell you he is even more beautiful in person and we talked for hours it was great but if course I thought I had no chance because I looked like shit and I am 16. Later on, the way from the airport after we landed Harry told me that he had asked Niall about me when I went to go get ready and he said that he really likes me... but I don't know if I believe Harry because I had just told him about the whole Payton and not being exempted by my family thing so I think he just feels bad for me. "

"Wow that's crazy I mean why would he lie to you? And you never know maybe Niall really does like you".

At that moment Harry entered the room with my coffee in hand and said "exactly I would never lie to you no matter how bad I feel for you and he does have feelings for you. Also hi 'm Harry nice to meet you you must be Lena".

After Harry left Lena and I talked for about another hour before she had to go. Once we got off I realized I still had to make all the other calls telling the people in my life what has been going on.