Chapter 13

After Niall left I headed back into the kitchen with Louis and Harry. "So Harry what is the plan for the next week and a half?"

"Well, I don't have any interviews so I figured we could spend it here if that's ok?"

"I'd love that."

"Plus you can spend more time with your boyfriend," Louis said in a sassy mocking tone.

"Yes I can," I said a smile speeding across my face.


A few days after I got to Harry's house I got a call from Niall.

"Hey babe," he said into the phone.

"Hey ni what's up?" I responded.

"Can I not call my girlfriend for no reason at all?"

"You have a point".

" thank you but I did actually have a reason for calling. "

"Ok, and what is that?"

" I was wondering if you would go on a date with me tonight? "

"Of course I would love too. What time?"


" sure sounds great and what should I wear?"

"Fancy casual. So I will pick you up then, see yeah later?"

"Yep, bye," I said and hung up, right now it is noon so I should start getting ready in 3 hours.

It was now 5 and I was waiting for Niall in the living room when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked over to the door to open it. "Hey Niall," I said, he was wearing blue jeans and a button-up shirt.

He looked me up and down and bit his lip and said "hi babe, you look beautiful". I had decided on a short blue dress with little flowers all over it and A black belt.

"Thank you, you look amazing as well" I respond.

We headed back to his house where there was a romantic candlelit dinner sitting in his dining room. "Wow, this is beautiful," I say when we walk in.

Before I could walk over to the table he pulled me over to the couch and said "first we have an appetizer, which is wheat thins and spray cheese."

"Oooh fancy," I said with a laugh.

"Oh hush, it's hard to plan a date when you can't really go in public."

" I know and I'm sorry. I wish We could go in public. "

"Me too but as long as I'm with you I don't care where I am."

"So you wouldn't care if We had a date on an exploding volcano?"


We sat on the couch, ate our crackers, and talked about anything and everything till the tray was empty. Niall got up off the couch, extended his hand, and said " shall we?" I grabbed his hand, got off the couch, and walked over to the table. "For dinner, we have three cheese Mac and cheese," Niall informs me.

"That sounds and smells delicious," I said as he pulled out my chair so I could sit down.

We sat and talked while we ate the amazing dinner. It was an amazing night I had a ton of fun: we had some serious and some funny moments. After we were done eating dessert we moved to the couch and cuddled and talked for like another hour, until it was late and I had to get back to Harry's.

Niall drove me back to Harry's house, when we got there we got out of the car and he walked me up to the front door. "I had a great night tonight. Oh God, that sounds like I'm just trying to be nice but I'm not I did have a great time" I rambled.

"I had a great time as well" he replied and all I could do was laugh and smile. For a few seconds, we just looked at each other until we both leaned in and kissed. When we pulled away Niall whispered, "I know it's a little early to say this but I love you".

" I love you too" I responded with a shy smile.

"Wait really? You're like in love with me, because I'm in love with you." Niall questioned as if it was impossible for someone to live him.

"You do remember that I am a directioner, I was basically in love with you before we even met and when we did meat I just fell more and have been falling ever since. But I don't mean to sound stupid or anything but how do you know so fast that you love me?"

" it was kind of love at first sight thing for me, when I first saw you I fell just like you". At that, we kissed again, and then I went inside.


The rest of the time I was there I hung out with Louis and Harry when Niall had to work and when he didn't it was either just us two or all four of us. New years was spent with all the boys: Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and even Zayn, also all there girlfriends. It was pretty cool to meet Zayn and to be honest, I was a little shocked that he was there. It was a blast to spend the last night of 2018 and start 2019 with them, I am so lucky to have gotten the opportunity to meet my idols and become friends with them and even date one of them.

I knew that when I went home it would be hard because I couldn't see Niall or the boys but we had our phones, so we could face time and text all the time Niall had to work the day I was leaving so the day before I left we spent just him and I at his house just enjoying each other.

The ride to the airport was a little sad, and since Niall had to work today it was just haz and I. The whole ride we talked about the summer before and parts of this holiday.

"Do you remember when Jeff got sick so you filled in for him," Harry said bright-eyed.

"Yeah that was a ton of fun, I almost shit my pants though because of how nervous I was".

"Why were you nervous? You knew exactly what I needed at any time and you knew how to talk to the crew and producers. You did amazing Elly."

"Thank you, I had so much fun helping out."

"I wish you could be there to help all year round."

" I know me too" I agreed.

We pulled up to the airport, got out of the car, and grabbed my bags from the trunk. Once my bag was on the sidewalk and I was ready to head into the airport, I gave him a hug and something seemed to click in Harry's head because all of the sudden he said "holy shit, Elly I just got an idea it's a little crazy and definitely a long shot so I'm not going to tell you, text me when you get on the plane and when it lands, ok?"

"um yeah ok, love you haz" I said a little baffled.

" I love you too, see ya later" and with that, he got back in the car and I walked into the airport.