Chapter 17

After the premiere, we headed straight towards the airport and then we took off headed back to Colorado. When we landed we grabbed our bags and headed to my house.

When we got to my house we are greeted with my parents "Hi mom and dad" I said a I walked into the house.

"Hi sweetheart, how was your trip," my mom asked me.

"It was great I met Tom Holland and Zendaya and the new movie is amazing."

" I glad, did you guys stay till the end of the credits," my dad asked, he is a huge Marvel fan.

"Of course but they also did not let us leave so we kinda had to" I laughed.

After a little bit of talking my parents headed up to their room but before they left my dad turned around and said "Oh I got you some boxes, they are in your room. Goodnight guys".

"Night," we said in unison.

I turned to Harry and said, "We should go to bed we have a lot of work to do tomorrow".

"Yeah" he responded and we headed up to my room.

Once we were in bed I looked over at Harry and whispered "this is all so surreal".

"What do you mean?"

"Well a year ago I was a regular high school student and you were just my idol and everything happening now was just a dream that I thought would never happen. Now you and the rest of the boys are my friends, Niall is my boyfriend, and not to mention I am your manager."

"Wow I was JUST your idol," he said in a fake hurt tone.

"Oh shut up you know what I mean."

"Yeah I do and you have a good point. Your whole life is changing but you seem to be handling everything very well" he complimented.

"Maybe on the outside but on the inside, I am freaking out. I mean I'm 17 I can't be your manager and I am far from good enough for Niall, and-".

"Elly stop" Harry interrupted. "You are going to do amazing at being my manager and you are perfect for Niall no matter what anyone says."

"How do you know," I asked making a pouty face.

"Because you know me about as well as you can, you have been a fan and my best friend. For the whole Niall thing I know he loves you and I don't think anything can change that."

" Your the best hazza thank you so much. "

"Your welcome! Now we both need to get to sleep we have a long day tomorrow".


This week is going to be hectic because I have meetings with modest over by the phone and meeting with the school for transforming to an online school.

"The periodic law states that many of the physical and chemical properties of the elements tend to recur in a systematic manner. This is with the atomic number increasing." My science teacher says as I feel a buzz in my pocket.

I take out my phone to see a message from Harry saying "hey I am on my way. Where should I park?"

"Park in the upper parking lot, I will see you in a few" I respond as the bell ring signaling class is over. I walked out of the class and up states to the doors leading to the upper parking lot. I stepped outside the doors and see Harry's rental car pull into the parking lot and park.

"Hey, hazza" I say as he walked up to me.

"Hey, how was class?"

"Boring and we have to wait here till the bell ring so you don't get mobbed."

" M-k and technically you would be getting mobbed too. "

"That is true but they don't want me they want you."

Harry and I stayed out there until we heard the bus bell ring. We headed downstairs and into the hallway where the counseled office is.

"Hi we have an appointment with Mrs. Casey," I say to the receptionist.

"Ok she should be back there you can... Wait your Harry Styles" she says when she looks up from her computer.

"Yes ma'am."

"May I ask what are you doing here?"

"Of course, Elly here is going to be my manager and she can't really do that from Colorado and we will be traveling too much for her to go to an actual school, so we are switching her to homeschooling" he explained.

"Oh, wow, you letting a high school student-run your career?"

" yes ma'am, I trust her with my life and she is perfect for the job. "

"Wow, ok. Well, you guys can head back to Mrs. Casey's office now".

"Ok thank you," I say and drag Harry back.

"Excuse me, hi Mrs. Casey" I say when we reach her office door.

"Hi, Elly and Harry Styles? Please have a seat... What can I do for you today?"

"Well recently Harry here offered me a job being his manager starting Monday and the only way my parents would let me take it was if I still did school, but since we will be traveling so much I can't go to a regular school, so I was wonder if you could help me find a good online school for me and help me sign up."

"Um ok. Well, congrats on the job that's pretty impressive for a 17-year-old. And of course, how about we schedule another meeting for Wednesday and I will look at your options and we can talk about them then?"

"Yeah that sounds good," I say with a small smile.

"Now you will have to get this paper signed by all your teachers and bring it back to me on Wednesday."

"Ok, sounds good," I said taking the paper from her hand.

We said our goodbyes and Harry and I headed to his car so we could go get lunch.

Later that day in Mr. Gaven's class

"Hi Mr. Gaven so do you remember earlier this year when you said that I wasn't allowed to leave 2 weeks with early this year" I paused and he nodded. "Well good news I doubt be leaving 2 weeks early I will be leaving 4 months early... This is my last week at this school".

"Why are you leaving this time? Are you transferring?"

"Well kinda I'm moving to London Saturday and I'm doing online school."

"Why are you.moving to London" my friend Crystel asked.

"I got a job and it is mostly in London but I will be doing a lot of traveling".

"Don't you mean your parents got a job?" a random kid asked.

"No it's my job they are staying here in Colorado" I responded.

" Elly you are 17 how did you get a job in London where you have to travel a lot," Mr. Haven asked.

"Well last year when I had my internship I met a musician and we ended up becoming really close and he just asked me to be his manager" I answered.

"You can't be a manager at 17," Mr. Haven said.

"Why not? The artist can choose who manages him and his management company said it was fine."

" Who is it," someone asked from the back of the room.

"I can't say".

" Why not" everyone whined.

"If they let a 17-year-old be their manager then we probably don't know them," a guy at the front of the class said.

"Unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade, you know him," I said with a laugh and turn back to Mr. Gaven. I gave him the paper and told him that I needed him to sign it.

"Elly I'm not signing this paper unless you tell us who it is," he said and to be honest I was not the slightest bit surprised.

"You not going to believe me and I am not just going to tell you, you have to guess" I say with a cheeky smile.

"Well you have to give us a clue," a kid said.

"Um, ok... He was in a band named White Eskimo" I said with a laugh.

"White Eskimo? What kind of name is that" a student asked.

"Can we use google?" another student asked.

"No" I responded.

"I have never heard of a band named 'White Eskimo'" someone said.

"Your right now about I call him and you guys can guess off his voice" I suggested.

"Ok," the whole class responded.

"Hey Elly, what's up," Harry asked when he answered the phone.

"Hi, my class really wants to know who you are but I figured I'd let the guess and for some reason, none of them new your old band, White Eskimo" unsaid with a laugh. "Oh and by the way you are in the speaker".

" Ok hi Elly's class," he said through the phone. "Oh yeah, Elly Ni just got here".

"You guys should come down to the school because they probably won't believe me even if they do guess correctly," I say and look at my class who just looks really confused.

He laughed really loud and said "Ok we will see you in a bit" then hung up the phone.

"Does anyone have any guesses?" I ask.

"Well he is obviously British," Crystel said.

"Yes, he is."

A few minutes later I got a text from Harry saying they were in the parking lot so I asked Mr. Haven if he could give me a note to tell security it was ok and then went to the front. When I saw Niall I ran to him and jumped in his arms. When he put me down I have the note to the security guard and then she printed out guest badges and we walked back to my class.

"Ok guys wait here," I said and they nodded. I walked into the class and said "anyone has any last guesses?"

A chorus of no's chimed through the room so I announced "hazza you can come in now". Harry walked in and jaws dropped.

"Good afternoon guys," he said when he was stood next to me.

"Elly how do you know Harry Styles," Mr. Gaven asked.

"I told you I met him at my internship last summer," I said and laughed a little.

"Wait you said you guys should come down here who else is here," a student asked.

"Oh right," I said and walked into the hallway to Niall. "Hey babe how should no introduce you" I whispered to him.

"Well if you are ready you can introduce me as your boyfriend if not then I am your friend," he said with a sweet smile.

I grabbed his hand and walked into the classroom and said "this is my boyfriend Niall Horan."

Everyone just kinda looked at me in Aaah, then some random kid said "Why is Niall Horan dating you?"

"Well because she is beautiful, funny, great to talk to, and I'm in love with her" Niall said with a huge smile on his face.

"But your Niall Horan from One Direction, why are you eating a high school student," another kid asked.

"Well I was planning to wait another year before I asked her out, but then when she came to stay with me over break I couldn't wait any longer and kissed her" Niall explained.

After about 30 more minutes of everyone asking the boys questions the was about to ring so I walked to Mr. Gaven's desk and asked if we could leave a little early so we don't get mobbed in the hallway and he said we could do I grabbed my backpack and we headed to the car.