Chapter 21

It's been a week since I found out I am pregnant and I am on my way to the airport to pick up Niall, I was thinking about telling him to know but I am really nervous. When I pulled up to the pickup spot I saw Niall standing there waiting for me but he was not alone. I parked the car and got out to be greeted by Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. "Hi, babe," Niall said when I walked around to them.

"Hi, boys," I say with a confused look. "We need to get in the car before you guys get mobbed". We put all their luggage in the back and got in the car. "I love that you guys are here but why are all of you here?"

"Well, when I told them I was coming they wanted to as well so I let them" Niall answered.

"Ok so now manager mode, what were you thinking people obviously saw you and now people will know you guys are back together. I thought you didn't want people to know just yet?"

"Well we didn't but how else were we supposed to get here," Zayn asked.

"If you would have called me, you know your manager I could have arranged something where nobody would have seen," I say scolding them on the way out of the airport.

The next day the boys and I were hanging out at my parent's house when I asked "Hey boys, I was thinking about visiting my old school today, do you want to come?"

"Yes," they all said in unison.

"Ok, let's go," I said and we left.

"Hi, excuse me I used to go to school here" I say walking up to the security desk and pulling out my old school IS "and this is my boyfriend and my friends and I am in town visiting some family and wanted to look around the school and give them a tour of that's ok?"

" may I see all of your IDs? " the security guard asks with as all smiles.

"Yes of course," I say pulling out my ID while the boys did the same.

"Wait hold up you 5 look familiar."

" Oh we are one direction," Harry said with a smile.

"The band?" She said and the boys nodded. " and Elly how do you know them? "

"I am their manager" I answer with a smile.

"But you are only 18," she says with surprise written all over her face.

" uh yeah early start, so can we walk around the school for a bit? " I asked with a pleading smile.


" really thank you and one more thing what period is it? "

"Third, but the bell rings in 5 minutes".

" ok thank you, boys let's go," I say as I walk towards Lena's class.

"Where are we going," Niall asks as he grabbed on to my hand to hold.

"Lena's class the bell is going to ring soon and she has 4th off."

"M-k," Niall says and grabs my hand as we walk through the school.

After a little bit of walking, we got to Lena's class in the English hallway, thankfully her class was at the end of the hallway right by the stairs so we could hide in there till the bell rang signaling class has started up again. About a minute after we got there the bell rang and the hallway was full of students. Lena seemed to take forever to get out of class, when she did she did not see us because we were standing against the window facing the hallway. She started to walk away but before she got too far I ran and jumped on her back scaring the living shit out of her. She turned around and screamed, "What the hell Elly".

"Sorry, but you didn't see us what was I supposed to do?"

she laughed a little then asked "us?" I moved a little so she could see the rest of the boys "Oh hey, one more question how did you get all of One Direction to come to your old school? "

" Oh, it was trouble she grabbed us by the ear and yelled till we got in the car, " Louis said pretending to be in pain.

"We both know that is not what happened, they all wanted to see where I grew up so instead of just Niall coming they all came and when I told them I was coming here they all just kinda followed. But we should go in the stairway before anyone sees them and causes a scene".

"Yeah," Lena said as we walked to the stairs, "so what have you guys seen?"

" Nothing " Harry answered.

"We just got here" Louis finished.

"Ahhh they are adorable," Lena said talking about Louis and Harry.

"I know," I said and then we both squealed and jumped up and down like little girls.

"Elly how are you still such a fangirl yet you see us and work with us every day, and you live with Niall," Zayn asked.

"1. The reason I am so good at my job handling you idiots is that I am a fangirl. 2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend should be your number one fan" I respond in a sassy tone. At that moment the bell rang so we walked back up the stair and into the main hallway.

"So what are you going to show them? " Lena asked with curiosity in her voice.

"I don't know I figured we would just do a few laps and head out, it's a proper tour. Oh and I want to say hi to Mrs. Golden"

"Who?" All the boys asked for chores.

I laughed a little and said, "the dance teacher here".

" wait isn't her class the class you met Payton in? " Harry asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just curious."

We decided to walk around the school before going to the dance classroom, Niall and I walked hand in hand with Lena on the other side of me. The other four boys walked behind us a little bit. After walking a little I heard Zayn whisper to Harry "who's Payton?"

"Elly's ex-girlfriend" Harry responded, everyone knew about Payton except Zayn and Liam.

We walked down to the end of the hallway then down the stairs, down that hallway, out the doors, and into the lower commons. I looked into the cafeteria and saw my old group of friends that I would hang out with during my off and during lunch so I told the boys and Lena that I was going to say hi and they followed me into the cafeteria and to the back.

When we were close enough I said "Crystel" and she looked up from one of her friends with wide eyes. When she saw me she jumped to her feet and raced over to me and gave me a hug.

"Where the hell have you been?"

" I moved to London last year" I responded.

"What? Why?"

" I got a really cool opportunity to work with some really cool people".


" well at first it was just Harry, " I say pointing towards him and she noticed that I wasn't alone. When she saw who I was standing with she just stood there in shock so I continued "then just recently I was up headed to work with all these boys" I said pointing to the rest of them.

"What are you doing? "

"She's our manager" Harry butts in.

"And my girlfriend... She isn't getting paid for that though... Well not with money anyway" Niall said.

"Ew," Lena said disgust written all over her face.

"So what are you doing back?" Crystel asked.

" just showing the boys the old school, I will probably visit Mrs. Golden though. "

"Ok well say goodbye before you leave this time".

"Ok, and I am sorry for that". After she flipped me off we walked away and down the athletics hallway when we were about at the end of the hallway an idea popped in my head "maybe we should stop my Mr. Gavens room before we leave, he would get really annoyed and it would be entertaining. Lena do you know what class he has during forth?"

" I pretty sure he has freshmen so it will be even better. " Lena answers with a smile as we walk up the stairs and into the performing arts hallway I look at the boys and all but Niall and Harry seem very confused.

We were all laughing when we got to the end of the hallway because Niall wasn't paying attention and ran straight into a door. "Oh baby are you ok," I say trying to hold back more laughs, all of a response I got was him starting to laugh.

I think we stood there for five minutes just laughing, when we finally pulled our selves together Liam asked "So where is this dance classroom?"

"Oh, right out these doors. Shall we?" And they all nodded. I grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him through the door behind me and the rest followed. I turned towards the dance studio and the door - that was being held by a trash can - we pulled into the corner of the classroom and waited for this song to be over so I could say hi to Mrs. Golden.

When the song stopped she looked over at us and said "Elly? Oh my gosh, what are you doing here? And who are these boys?"

She walked over and gave me a hug and pulled the group a little further into the room. "Oh just visiting the school and these are my friends: Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and my boyfriend Niall," I say pointing to each person. "Oh and that's Lena but she goes here so... Yeah."

After talking to her for a little while longer we were about to head out when she said "Oh I totally forgot to tell you, you weren't the only old student to come back today."

"Really, that's crazy. Well we should probably go we want to get out of the school before passing period and we still have on more stop to make, bye Mrs. Golden. "

"Bye Elly".

Niall and I headed to the door first but before we reach it opens and a girl walks through... Shit. "Hey," she said in an awkward tone looking down at Niall's and my intertwined hands.

"Hey Payton," when I say that I hear four tiny gasps from behind me. " how have you been? "

"Um good, good. I'm going to college in a few weeks, so yeah" she trails off. "What about you? You disappeared last year. "

"Um yeah, I've been good. I moved to London. What school did you choose?" I asked genuinely interested which was a topic that we discussed a lot when we were together.

" UCLA, why did you move to London? "

"Wow really I am over by there all the time and I moved for work."

"Wait I thought you lived in London and your parents got a new job? "

"Um no they still live here and I do live in London most of the time but I am in L.A often for work."

"What job do you have at 18 that requires you to travel? "

"Management," all the boys said at once.

"Wow you got your dream job managing bands then congrats, that's really cool."

"Yeah and congrats on UCLA. I guess I will see you around. "

"Yeah bye".

"Bye," I said and walked out of the dance room.