Chapter 28

The wedding - 6/1/2024

"What if he changed his mind and does not want to marry me anymore?" I ask as Lena zips up my dress and Pheonix pours us more champagne.

"Elly he is not going to change his mind, he loves you," Phoenix says handing me my glass.

"I know he loves me but what if I'm not good enough, I mean he is Niall Horan from One Direction he can get any girl he wants," I say taking a sip of the cold drink in my hand.

"El-" Lena starts but I cut her off.

"But he isn't just 'Niall Horan from One Direction ' he had an amazing solo career and he has an amazing personality, he is perfect in every way possible. I don't deserve him at all" I rant.

"Elly you two are perfect for each other and you managed one direction and Harry Styles before you were out of high school if anything he does not deserve you" Lena encouraged.

There was a knock at the door then my dad walked in and said "Girls come on it is almost time". Phoenix and Lena left and I walked over to my dad, "you look beautiful sweetheart".

"Thanks, Dad, um I know that it was really hard having me leave so young and not getting to talk a lot since I had a busy schedule. I am really sorry for that and so grateful that you guys let me go. I just want you to know that I love both of you guys so much".

"We love you too, know let's go get you married, yeah?" I nodded and we walked out of the room. We made our way to the aisle and waited for the music that signals for us to walk.

Kaster went down the aisle with her little flower basket while tossing flowers onto the ground, then Lena and Phoenix made there way down. Then the music started and we walked. When we made it to the front my dad passed me over to Niall and the priest began. After a while of the priest saying lots of words, we were finally at the vows part.

Niall started "Elly you are funny, hard-working, a great mom, beautiful and so many other things. I love you so much. When I first saw you, you were hungover, tired, and honestly, you looked terrible, yet somehow all I could think was that you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Then we started to talk and somehow you became more and more beautiful. After that day we talked on the phone and we texted all the time. I fell for you right away and I know this is cliche and cheesy but I fall more and more every day. Elly, I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Niall in 2010 you auditioned for the X factor and you got cut but then they put you in a band with 4 other strangers, you lost the X factor but somehow you still became the biggest boy band in the world. That's how I met you, I was another girl in the crowd screaming for you. I fell for you before you knew I existed, but then I met you and I realized you are so much more. You helped me get over my ex, you cared for me even though I was a little young and you could lose everything, I want you to be there for me for the rest of our life and I want to be there for you. As I got to know you, the real you, I realized that I needed you in my life even if it was just as a friend but then you kissed me and told me you felt the same. Our story may be a little crazy and out of order but I would not change a thing, I love you so much."

After that we did the whole "I do" thing then we made our way inside.

As the reception started and we greeted our guests. Then my parents came up to me, my mom dragging a scared-looking Harry, "you got drunk at 16" they said then turned to Harry, "you got her drunk at 16".

"Mom you really think that was my first time getting drunk? And it is a little too late to punish me, I just got married, I moved out of the house 5 years ago, this happened 6 years ago. "

"I'm that's fair but I am still not happy," my mom said letting go of Harry.

"When did you date someone in high school, you never told us about a boyfriend beside Niall," my dad asked.

I looked over at Niall and he gave me a reassuring look, "guys I have to tell you something, that honestly I was not planning on telling you since I have Niall but I might as well... Mom, dad I never dated a guy in high school".

" but you said helped you get over a break up," my mom said confused.

"I did, her name is Payton we dated for a year and a half, you may her a few times".

"Wait your Bisexual," my mom asked.

"We let her sleep in your room with you, in your bed. That's why you slept in your room instead of on the couch like with Lena " my dad said.

"Yes to both of you," I said apologetically. My mom was in shock but still managed to pull my disagreeing father away with her so we could continue to greet guests.

That night we danced, laughed, reminisced, and just partied almost all night long. There was no more mention of me being bi or the whole drunk at 16 things for the rest of the night from my parents. I still can't really remember that night anyway, so... That is probably good.

The boys and I probably did not leave till around 5 even though most people left around midnight. My parents are taking care of Kaster while we are on our honeymoon which we leave for tomorrow.

I am so excited to see what life throws at Niall and me.