Terra Queendom Capital: Genesis

Seraphine POV;

After the long night yesterday, we finally got a move on, it's afternoon when the horses finally decided they had their fill of rest.

"I'm excited to see what kind of place the Capital is"

"I-its beautiful, t-the architecture o-of the houses is solid a-and well built"

"I think all of the houses are well built-in this world"

"T-That is because t-the Q-Quendoom is t-the one that had the d-design i-ideas of the houses across t-the Empire"

"They're responsible for the sturdiness of the houses, I see, I can't wait!"

"T-Terra Queendom is also the o-one who provides crops in t-the Empire"

"That's right" Sam suddenly joined the conversation "but because of the drought the plants couldn't grow properly"

"Yes...a-although T-Terra Q-Queendom invented the Plant House"

"Plant House?"

"The plants get cultivated and is grown in a monitored environment"

"Oh, a Green House"