
The Sun rose again, but it still had light showers of rain, a rainbow appeared when the heavy rain lightened.

"The rainbow is beautiful"

"That it is, it's been a while since I've seen a rainbow"

"M-Me too"

"Since the rain is slowing down, we're going to let the horses rest, not only that, but Sam and I are going to hunt, the canned food tastes a little stale after a while"


"Nothing beats a cooked and hot meal!" Aden cheered.

"But don't you guys have stashed smoked dried ready to eat beef?"


"Aden can't stop munching on that, the container is half empty"

"Wait what-"

"Sorry about that"

Sam handed the half empty container that USED to have the full delicious snack, I frowned, I gave the container to Ishana so that she can eat.

"We can make more Seraphine, don't make that face"


"Don't eat it all Ishana, you're going to have a stomachache"
