Chambers A.B and C. (1)

Province of Ecclesiastes: Underground


(Chamber C)

Everyone went underground. This is the day that we are going to rescue Nyx, the Knights and the people that were captured for no DAMN reason.

It was sunrise when we moved underground, I was still pretty groggy when we woke up, Aster is pumped up when she woke up, I wish I had her energy, Ishana on the other hand is in the good hands of the Barons Wife, she can't come with us since it would be too dangerous.

Right now I am with Herodotus and the five people in the resistance, we are navigating through the dark creepy and dusty halls, I wonder what Aster is thinking right now.


3rd Person POV

Aster with Aden and the others, went to defeat foes, while Aster provided support, they followed the resistance until they arrived at a door.