Nightmares (3)

We prepared to camp again, and we were almost at the port, I'm hoping the nightmares don't return again, but that's wishful thinking on my part.

"Big Sis"

"Yes? Ishana?"

"You are having nightmares, right?"

"Ah, hahaha, yeah…"

"I have a stuff toy I keep around when I'm having nightmares, maybe you can borrow him?"


From her bag, she produces a cute wolf hand-knitted plushy. I smiled at the thought of her, giving her plushy to me just to help me with my nightmares.

"Thank You" I gave her a hug.

"Please take care of him, his name is guardian, I just keep him around to keep the nightmares at bay, but I guess you need him more than I do now"

"I'll take good care of him, thank you"

We comb Ishana's hair and let her fall asleep first.

"Children like Ishana are so lucky, they are still lucky to be carefree"