Drinking to forget the past

"It is very painful when someone leave you alone in this lonely world and there you are lost in the darkness of depression"

-(Your Author's Quotes)


Country I, City K, Private bar...

She was sitting in the counter and continuously drinking and crying in her casual dress like trouser and top. Not thinking what people will say. She doesn't care about the world.

The waiter front of her serving to everyone but deep inside his heart he was feeling painful for her. Everyday she comes here to drink and always cry while drinking. Though he don't know why but he can understand that something terrible has happened with her.

For her she was feeling painful because her husband died. The only man who can understand her very well. Whom she admire the most, with whom she was ready to spend her whole life with him but he left her forever.

Question are continuously coming in her mind for him. Whenever she thinks about him she only remembers his Smiley face which he showed her at that time when he was going out but who would have thought that it was the last time she was going to see him.

She came to out of the Bar and saw one couple Kissing passionately. She bitterly smile while remembering about her and her husband.

At VN Mansion...

"I am sure You are still waiting for her" a woman came and asked to the man who was standing near the window with his hands on the pocket of his trouser.

"Hmm" he replied while looking out.

"I think it's time for her to understand the thing that he is not here" that woman said while walking towards the window.

"I know Aunty Lu and I have been forcing her to forget it but still she can't forget it" he cried.

"Your sister needs some time to overcome through this because it is really hard to go through this problem but I suggest her to move on" she said while standing beside him.

Two men came and stand beside them.

"Well It is very hard for kim to move on from this truth" the man in the left.

"Yeah Daniel is right also grandpa had ordered us to to tell you guys that" After taking deep breath he was about to say but his body was shivering.

Daniel Quickly shouted and said "That he wanted kim to get married within this month"

"What!" Anh shouted while looking at them.

Daniel Knewed that david will not be able to say this so he quickly shouted and completed the whole sentence.

Suddenly The Door opened a girl came she was drunk and she was struggling to walk.

Everyone Thoughts were interrupted while seeing her.

Aunty Lu approach towards her cried and asked

"Why are you drinking Honey?"

"Drinking to forget the past" she replied and not waiting for there response she headed towards her room.

Seeing her going like this she cried and approach towards the painting where kim was standing with a man holding his hands in there wedding dress.

"Why you left her alone in this world?Why? You were the one who taken out her from the darkness and now you are the only one who gave her the darkness. Why?" She said while crying. Tears were continously rolling from her eyes.

Seeing her sister in this condition. Anh felt a sharp pain in his heart. He remembered how her sister used to laugh and always smile but now everything is changed.

She started drinking and smoking which she hated.

He tried to stop her but she didn't listen to him nor anyone's. It will take lots of time for her to accept her present.

And also her health condition was getting worse. Already he was feeling sad for her and now his grandpa bought this marriage thoughts.

And Seeing her aunt who was crying he walked towards her aunt and took her towards her room.

Meanwhile Daniel and David walked towards there room because they can also can't do anything.