Unexpected Situation

"Every decision is taken so Quickly that you didn't even get any time to react on it when there is unexpected situation".

-(Your Author's Quotes)


Inside the Car....

He picked up the call.


"Hello" the person on the call replied.

"Yes Uncle You call me"


"Say Uncle"

"Listen You Better Clear The Mess Of Your Company" he said angrily.

Sean didn't Understand What happened and Why is he Angry. Also What did his Company do?

"Means I am not getting you" he replied like he was confused and yes it is true that he is confused.

"Open The News and Check it out That what your company did!"

At the other side May was sitting there and thinking about those Something. Suddenly Her Mind was interrupted when she heard that someone was shouting Sean.

She got little Curious and tried to listen the conversation.

Then Sean turned towards her with no expression.

May Was shocked with his sudden turned lots of emotions were rising and she felt like the Butterflies in stomach are flying. They are making her to enter inside a typical feeling which she never had.

While The person on the other line was speaking continously. Sean turned towards her and asked to check out about E Company.

She quickly Searched to Google and handed him the phone.

He gone through the article which was displayed in the latest. After Seeing This He Cursed "OH ****!".

"This Situation is really unexpected OMG What the hell these guys are doing?" He cursed those Reporters in his mind.

Then The person understood that he had seen and said "You Better Clear the mess Otherwise..."

Sean said "Sure Grandpa Vand I will clear it Now I am Driving Towards the hospital"

"Ok And Listen Don't Tell Anh that I have told You Ok!" Grandpa Vand said.

"Ok Uncle don't worry" he said.

They both hanged there phone and Then Sean called his personal assistant.

He instructed her to give him all the details of the Reporters who have gone to the hospital and he wanted it in his desk Before he reached.

His Personal assistant nodded and hanged up.

Whereas May was sitting nervously after hearing his conversation with his personal assistant and Grandpa Vand.

Then She turned towards him to asked about the situation but she felt nervous and her eyes were giving her different feelings whenever she is looking at him.

His Face is so amazing that she felt like he is the most handsome man in the world.

Sensing her gaze on him. He turned towards her and replied "Well It's Bit Complicated You See and Today you are taking leave And Also Don't Worry because your brother will tell you everything"


She went speechless because he knewed what she was thinking and he replied her within a second.

Again he turned towards her and said "I Wont Mind If You Keep Seeing me and also I wont Mind If you keep me at your home".


Again she gone speechless and she was again shocked by his words.

Then she turned her head at the window side with embarrassment.

Seeing her in this condition he chuckled in low voice because he like her action when he was teasing her.


Kim didn't Got up and she was on the same condition.

Ray was sitting there thinking about her and Anh was getting frustrated.

Millu was looking out and checking out the outside view.

Suddenly all the reporters left the hospital and they left hurriedly when they seen Something which was at the parking side.

She spotted a red car and also two familiar Faces.

Then She Quickly Informed about the reporters and then they quickly left that place.

Ray Caught kim in his arms and walked at the entrance of the hospital.

Sean were going to come inside and then Ray came with Kim.

He was going to ask Sean but Sean told him that he will talk later.

Then Ray was going to take a step and suddenly he stopped.

"What are you Doing here?" Ray asked her after turning towards sean.

"Broth... Actually" She started shivering with fear.

Sean Seen her and he was also about to say something then that time Ray stopped him.

"It's Ok I know It Nots your fault" he said calmly and left from there with Kim....