You should call me grandpa!!

Inside VN Mansion...

"So that means we have to do it again?" Aunty Lu asked after taking the document from Daniel.

"Yes, Aunty. Because there are many errors in the documents, So you needed to go through it again" Daniel said.

"Oh, God! I can't believe this. We have to do it again" Aunty Lu said after looking at the papers and then circling some words on the paper.

"Well, I don't think we will be doing it tomorrow!" Dan said.

"Why!!" Aunty Lu asked.

"Because we won't be available," Dan said.

"Why?" She asked him.

"Because tomorrow we are free to do anything so we will be busy," Dan said.

"Doing What?" Aunty Lu asked.

"Sleeping," He said.

"No!! You will be accompanying me" She said.

"Where?" Dan asked.

"To the Base," Aunty Lu said.

"Are you mad?" He asked her.

"Why?" She asked him.

Before he could speak anything they heard the door is opened of the study room. They stopped arguing and looked at the study room.

They saw Anh and Grandpa coming out of the room. They got up and looked at them.

Anh started walking, and without any eye contact with anyone, he walked upstairs towards his room and banged the door.

A loud noise was heard and it was echoing in the hall.

Then they looked at the old man who was standing there and looking up with no expressions visible on his face.

"I think something has happened!!" Dav whispered.

"OMG!!! Again they fought!! This thing is irritating" She said while getting irritated.

"Oh, God!! Well, it's there matter let's go and get some orange juice when the old man will leave" David said.

"Yes!!!" She said while getting excited.

"So, Whose is going to stay? Me!" He asked and then saved his position at first.

"Me Too" Aunty Lu whispered.

"Me Thre... Will you guys stop it" Daniel said while getting irritated.

Then the old man started walking upstairs after a few minutes.

"Wait isn't he going to his mansion?" David asked.

"No!! I think he will stay here!!" She said.

"Get Ready for Tomorrow," he said while looking up.

"You guys also come up" They heard a voice from upstairs.

They looked up and saw Grandpa looking at them from upstairs.

"No Sir!! Some papers are left to modify again!" Said Daniel.

"Oh, God! Come upstairs have a good sleep and then start your day with fresh air" he said.

They didn't understand but surely they knew that he is calling them upstairs to rest.

"Okay Sir," They said to him while looking up.

"Ah, Sir! Will you guys stop calling me Sir!! I am not your Sir! You should call me Grandpa when you are here" He said.

"Ok, Si... I mean..." Daniel interrupted David "Grandpa"

"Good!!" Grandpa was satisfied.

"Now you guys come upstairs and go to sleep," He said.

"Ok," They said and walked upstairs.

"So our juice party is canceled!" Aunty Lu said.

"No worries we can continue it later!" David said happily.

"Okay Whatever it is we will decide tomorrow," She said while entering their room and then looking at them.

"Okay," David said. Daniel stood there and didn't say anything.

"Okay, then Good Night!!" She said.

"Good Night," Both said.

She walked inside her room. She looked at her mirror and stretched her arms upwards.

She wanted to take a shower so she took her bathrobe and walked inside the washroom.

Inside David and Daniel's Room.....

David walked inside the bathroom and took a long shower.

He came out while a towel was wrapped around his waist.

His hair was wet and he was looking hot and fresh.

Daniel came inside the room with white papers in his hands. 2 buttons of his shirt were opened and the upper part of his chest was revealing.

"Dav actually..." He was about to say something but the fragrance of the body wash attracted his attention towards him.

He walked in front of him and looked at him.

Dav just stood there and looked at him. He asked him about what he was going to say.

He waited for him to say but he didn't speak.

Daniel stepped in front of and David took a step back. He started moving towards him and he was stepping back.

Then David stopped because he couldn't go further. His body touched the wall.

Daniel moved his fingers from his face and then he looked at him.

He stepped towards him and kissed his lips. He was surprised by his movement.

He begin to give small kisses on his face and then he went down. He kissed his neck and started sucking it.

It was not easy for David to stand in that position. He tried not to disturb him. David was shivering and he didn't want him to stop. This feeling was the first time for him and also he was enjoying it.

He looked at him and was going to kiss him but they heard a scream from Aunty Lu's room.

They looked at each other and Daniel went out to check. Quickly David wore something and went out to check.