Unknown Mansion...

In an Unknown Mansion...

She was standing near the mansion and looking here and there. The weather was fading away like it is going to rain and everything was surrounded by fog.

She didn't expect to come here. She had never seen or heard about this place. Everything looks beautiful and amazing.

She couldn't find any human. There were some birds drinking water from the fountain. There was no greenery because everything was covered with fog.

She was thinking about how to move out of this place but there was nothing she can find.

Then she looked at her back. She found there was a large gate with black color. She ran towards there to move out but it quickly got closed. Now, there was no exit because there was only one gate.

She was disappointed and started panicking. Then she looked at her front side and saw someone coming near to her. She thanked god that she finally found someone.

That man was old and he was wearing a black suit with a white T-shirt inside. There was a black bow instead of a black tie. His coat was long and his shoes were also black. He was wearing a pair of white gloves.

She looked at herself. She was wearing a plain white frock and white heels.

Where is she? What is this place? How come I am wearing this? Questions started flowing in her mind.

That man came in front of me. She is surprised when he bow down and greeted her.

"Hello, Mam!!"

"Hello," She replied to him after encouraging herself to speak.

"Follow me," He said gently and offered his elbow.

She asked him how she ended up but the butler ignored every question of her. She felt sad but at the same time, she could remove her hand because there is no place where she could move out.

She accepted it. She is walking with him with no emotion but inside her, she was feeling scared and shivering.

"Don't Be scared! There is something that belongs to you!" He assured her.

She started thinking about his words. Who could be there inside because nobody ever told her about this place so this is a bit complicated.

They started going near the mansion. That man was calm and quiet. he didn't say anything.

The garden was filled with white flowers and the leaves were dark in color. She saw some white horses and black ones too.

This place was quiet and everything was looking so dull but it was attractive.

She continued to walk with him until they reached in front of a big door. It was black and the walls were fresh white.

The door was opened automatically. The butler walked with her inside.

She wanted to run away from that place it was giving her an insecure feeling but she didn't stop she continued to walk with him while keeping her fear on the other side.

They walked inside the mansion. Everything was looking beautiful. On top of the floor, there was a long red carpet.

The Wall was white but the lights were yellow. There was a lamp on the side table and there was a pair of long vases. Inside it, there were white color flowers.

She was attracted by the mansion. Everything was arranged beautifully. All the things were looking gorgeous and golden.

However, the mansion was silent. No voice and no maids or servants can be seen.

Curiosity was developing inside her heart.

They reached the main hall but still, there was no one inside the hall.

"Is there anyone?" she asked herself.

In front of them, there were stairs and it was divided in two. Between the divisions, there was a wall and a portrait was hung.

She couldn't see the portrait because it was surrounded by darkness.

Then she kept on looking here and there. Suddenly she felt a lightweight on her left.

When she looked around her left side she found it empty and the old man was missing.

She moved back a little and was shocked.