
She woke up and looked here and there. The wall is white and this place was also unknown.

The smell was weird. She looked at her left side. She found a table with 3 chairs. One was a desk chair and another 2 were tulip chairs.

She was on a bed that was attached to the wall.

She got up and felt a slight pain in her head. She helped herself to sit up and then she looked here and there.

She was inside a mansion. How did she get her? Before this, she was with her man and she was kissing him. Did that man do something to her? No, he can't! he is not like that she convinced herself.

"What is going on with me?" She wondered. Earlier she was in an unknown mansion and now she is in an unknown place.

The Door was opened. She started feeling scared. Again is she going to meet that person? His appearance is going to be the same or might be changed.

She hoped that this time she will meet him, so he wouldn't do anything with her.

She waited for the man to come inside.

"You got up?" The man came inside and asked her gently. This voice is familiar. Where did she hear it? She started thinking about the voice.

"Oh F**k! he is my brother?" She remembered.

"Are you there?" He asked her which made surprise.

"Yes..." She replied while coming back to her sense.

"That's Great take some rest then we will leave this place soon!" He said after sitting in his desk chair. He thanked god that the injury was normal because he didn't want her sweet sister to leave him at so early age. Many things are left to do.

"Brother.." she called out his name softly.

"Yes, Sister!" He replied to her.

"How am I here? What happened to me? How did I got injured?" She asked him because as far as she remember she was inside an unknown mansion and now she is in hospital.

"Hmm...You were injured because of Sean and Elena's fight!" He told her.

"Whose fight? Where did this happen? What I was doing there?" she asked him surprisingly. She doesn't remember anything except that unknown mansion. She couldn't recall her memory because she has forgotten everything.

Ray understood her situation. So, he explained to her everything from the fighting to how she ended up in the hospital.

While he explained, she tried to go back to her past and try to recall everything that happened.

After Ray told her everything he gave her some space to recall and started working on his files.

Finally, she started remembering everything and also her first kiss.

"Omg! My first kiss was stolen by him" She kept her hand on her mouth.

She started blushing while remembering about last night and that mansion thing.

Technically, That Unknow mansion thing is her dream. So, it means those were not true. She thanked god but she hope that things will come in reality but in that way, because she was scared to death.

Then suddenly the door opened and she saw Sean was there. His dress was messed up and his eyes were covered with worries.

He was looking in one Direction where May was sitting. He wanted to meet, hug, and ask how she was feeling but he couldn't because of his brother.

Ray didn't know that Sean was here.

Sean was watching her while standing there. He didn't move from that place.

After seeing him she looked down with embarrassment.

Ray was looking at the file but then he felt like the air of the air conditioner was not coming toward him it was going toward the door.

So he looked up to see who opened the door but then found Sean.

"What are you doing here?" he asked him.

Sean looked at him and said, "I have come here to see your sister".

"Hmm...She is Okay!" He said casually.

"Okay," He said.

May still didn't look up. She was looking down and listening there conversation.

For some reason, she didn't want to look at him.

Sean was talking with Ray but at the same time, he was also observing May.

She didn't know that Sean was staring at her. She kept her head down and listen there conversation with an innocent face.