Lady of my heart

Kevin couldn't sleep because he was excited. He couldn't believe that he is going to begin his love journey with the lady of his heart.

Everything Feels like a dream because Kevin thought that it will surely take decades to set up with her as you all know by judging the current situation of kim it was easy to say that kim will never make up with kevin.

But Kevin was satisfied with the situation at least god blessed him with the chance of getting married with her.

Kevin doesn't have any bad intention on kim. It is just love at first sight surely it took months to notice his ex but the attraction towards kim was different.

He couldn't think anything other than kim. Though he hated her when he met but then he realised that the poor girl was going through a lot which made kevin to fall for her.

Her love for ex husband is very strong. He never thought that such love does exist in real world. He did heard about this is novel and dramas but never in reality.

Then he pushed all this thoughts and started imagining kim. Her sad face, her soft delicate hands and cute baby fingers, wet lips filled with alcohol her same dull gown.

He started recalling those moments how we met her. He was blushing after remembering those moments of him with her. Though it was not Romantic but at least there was some beautiful moments which attracted him towards her.

He didn't felt sleepy so he got up and took his car key and dash out of the mansion.

He started his car engine and moved out of the mansion. He was feeling impatient because he can't wait to meet the lady of his heart.

He stopped in front of the shop and purchased a red bull. Then started drinking it while driving.

Then traffic light was turned into red and then he slowly stopped his car.

The atmosphere around him started to change into something which is making him to feel weird.

He felt like the temperature is rising and he could feel like something is going to happen for sure. He felt weird because never in his life he experienced this. This feeling was different.

His heart started to beat. He literally felt something is changed.

Then suddenly he looked at the front of his car and saw a girl standing with a bouquet.

She was wearing a white dress and it was looking so attractive, Her earrings and her jewelry was shining brightly.

She was standing in front of him with a bright smile. Her face with a smile was different because all the time he had saw her with depressed look but now it was different.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Everything looks like a dream and it is a dream.

He got out of the car and walked in front of his car. The headlight of the car was making her to look more beautiful.

He caught her waist and started exploring her body. She was looking like an angel came from heaven.

He Got out of the car and came in front of her.

Everything looked so realistic but Actually it is an imagination. Then he caught her chin and bend down to taste those lips.

She was looking so attractive which made him to lose his control and get down of his car.

He didn't care about anything because his mind has been hypnotised by her. It was like she has cast some kind of magic on him which made him to forget about his surrounding.

Then He moved his finger from her chin to her neck. She moaned little loud which made his fingers to tease her skin more.

Her sexy voice was making him to lose his control for her. He was reaching out of his limit.

Her dress was looking so attractive. He really wanted to rip that dress and wanted to see her delicate body which was hiding behind the dress.

His fingers went across her face which made her to release a moan from her sweet mouth. The girl in front him was making him crazy and he couldn't stop himself from tasting her lips.

It felt like she was tempting him and testing his patience.

Then quickly he grap the bouquet and placed it on the car because it was coming between of them. Then He bend down to capture her lips.

There tongue met and started sucking her mouth. There tongue were battling with each other. He was enjoying this moment as it was sweet and passionate.

But suddenly he heard some voices which ruined his mood and he quickly stopped and looked at his right side.