Next Week

When Kevin nodded his head. grandpa felt relief that Kevin can be trusted even though he trusted Eric that he will stay beside Kim forever but he didn't make it up.

Then they started discussing Kim and grandpa was relieved that Kevin is the one who can help Kim.

Kevin was really happy but thoughts of disapproval surrounded him he felt like Kim will hate him after this but it was for her good nobody wants Kim to continue her life on this.

Kevin knows how much Kim adores her husband but at the same time, she needs to accept the fact that he is gone and will never come back to her. He is always near to her but seeing her in this state is also breaking his heart.

Loving him is fine,

Getting obsessed is okay,

Thinking about him is good,

But if you keep torturing yourself for him then will it make it better?

Never because you are destroying your life, not his he is already gone from your life so no chance of torturing yourself no difference it's gonna make because he is not there with you to see.

We all have one problem we still give false hope even though our hearts know the truth that they will never come back we still convince our hearts that they need us but no they don't we keep on torturing ourselves just to satisfy ourselves.

We know very well that nothing will happen our efforts will go in vain but still we try till the last breath even if we cross our limit just to get them, at last, it is no one only you and your broken heart

You start blaming yourself at the end for continuously making up your heart and rising hope and encouraging your heart to take this step. Wasting your time on something which doesn't require to be valued now but earlier.

You even waste your energy on planning for someone who is not near you but you still develop those feelings just to satisfy yourself and grow up.

Kevin looked at grandpa who is concerned about Kim, though marrying is not an option grandpa is very old and he can't guarantee his long life because this a life that cannot be predicted because

Past is a waste of paper

Present is a newspaper

The future is a question paper...

Once she comes out of her depression then surely she will understand the true meaning of her life and the efforts of everyone adding to her so that she can spend her life peacefully.

We, people, will never understand the true meaning of life until we get knowledgeable we cannot handle some situations and we decide to end our life just to run away but no dear that can never be an option because we never identify the victory after fighting with these problems you find the real peace and a will to live because after that you feel like a cloud flowing at the sky freely not like airplane controlled to move in a specific direction.

Kim just needs to understand and once she comes out of it surely she will understand the true meaning of life, that this is part of life, everyone has to go through this phase but it's good that she didn't take any step further in her mental state.

Everyone is working hard just to save Kim so that she won't regret it.

For grandpa, Kim is the brightest star in his sky he doesn't care about Anh because he knows that he is capable of handling the situation but Kim is way too sensitive.

Marrying is not the option for changing state but if she finds her lost love and hopes back then maybe it will change her life. Sometimes we need somebody who can make us believe in ourselves, and support us and their presence is enough to encourage us.

Grandpa looked at Kevin and then at the wall, silently he prayed "Heavenly Father, I come before you today thank you so much for protecting Kim again, and Thank you so much for bringing Kevin here. I believe that you are guiding me because you also care about Kim and Eric. May Eric's soul rest in peace and May the upcoming situation help Kim to overcome I ask this short prayer in your name Amen!

Kevin looked at grandpa who was focused on the wall, Then he was about to look but one voice stopped him

"You will be getting engaged next week!" He said.

"Sir! Isn't it too early?" He asked.

"I am not asking it's my order that you will have to get engaged with her next week!" He said

Kevin didn't say anything further and chose to stay silent after talking about business kinds of stuff he got up and wished grandpa good night. went back to his home.