Family Meeting (II)

Then they were escorted into the study room because it is a private thing that needs to be hidden until Kim knocks are sense.

So when everyone assembled in the study room Grandpa Vand came and greeted everyone formally for the second time and then he got up for the announcement for this meeting.

Everyone had different thoughts but everyone showed their physical appearance to signify that they were listening to his words.

His words and expression of grandpa were serious while explaining his plans for the company and Kim and Kevin's wedding.

Anh who was filled with rage was sitting quietly and hearing his grandpa's words nobody in the room could think that Anh was angry or not satisfied with the decision.

At last, they concluded the court marriage, and then after 6 months, they made a public appearance of the couple. Kevin got a little sad because he wanted everyone to know that the goddess of the country I.

But he is satisfied because he will get to stay with her for 24 hours Kim doesn't know how much she has made him possessive. Well then everyone got up for lunch as Grandpa knew it would be late so he already planned the lunch at his mansion.

Anh who was a little bit worried about his sister got up and went upstairs to check looking at Anh going up Kevin's eyes sparkled like stars to see a glimpse of Kim.

Sean who was worried for May got up to check on her and Ray decided to follow him because he also wanted to know the whole reason why she skipped school.

Inside the May room...

Sean opened the door silently without making any noise though he predicted that she might be sleeping and there was less chance of her staying awake then he walked inside May's room and saw her sleeping on the bed peacefully on her school dress.

Well, it is good that she is there sleeping without any disturbance "Thank god!" Sean opened his mouth to scream with a sudden voice and steadily Ray covered his mouth slowly kicking the door.

They both leaned on the wall and fell on the floor, sean was down Ray on top of him. Both looked at each other with weird expressions and surprise like a few seconds ago at what happened.

Somebody who was watching the whole scenario interrupted their thoughts with his cough and this made Sean kick Ray on the other side both got up quickly while cleaning their dress.

Then they got up and looked at each other with questions and then towards that person.

"How are you guys doing? It has been months since I have met you guys!" Aunty Lu was surprised but laughing at their childish behaviour.

"Just came here for Kim's wedding!" Ray exclaimed and hugged aunty lu with kindness.

"To be very honest I missed you too!" Ray got back to his place.

"Just came here to accompany Ray and Anh!" Sean said while hugging Aunty Lu.

"Well, who is inside?" asked Aunty Lu as she could feel the air conditioner on feeling the coolness out.

"May!" replied by Sean.

She nodded and then asked them to come downstair to join them for lunch as it had been afternoon.

Downstairs, Vand Mansion

Anh, Grandpa Vand, granda Lopez and Kevin were having some discussion about the fact he was badly waiting for this meeting to get over so that he could rush with millions of excuses to see his sweetheart

While the table was getting arranged Ray, Sean and Aunty Lu took them to the dining table as it was time for lunch, within a few minutes they saw May coming down with a pale face.

Ray saw her sister and turned towards Aunty Lu for a quick update about Kim's condition. They both started discussing Kim.

May who was coming down saw Sean staring at her with his intense gaze this made her blush to notice it but then went to normal because her brother was also there and this made her come fast and take a seat beside her brother.

Noticing that she sat beside him, Ray turned towards May and asked her with a gentle tone "You fine sweetheart?" she nodded then when he checked her body it was warm this made him a little worried so he told her after lunch we would leave for home.