84. Flashback On

"Sis, you're daydreaming". Andine shocked a little because of the pat on the shoulder, because seeing the fish pond made her remember things that do not need to be remembered.

"Sorry, I seem exhausted" Andine avoided, she didn't want her sister to know that she was weak from seeing the past.

"So, do you want to see Ramel's room?". andine nodded.

"maybe for a moment, I'm just looking for weaknesses not looking for others".

"I did not ask what you are looking for sis". Caca left Andine alone in the room, Andine only recognized slow breath. she couldn't manage her wish not to remember Ramelson and all the past.

The past is too sweet, sometimes Andine is afraid that all she is doing is bringing hrself to the hole of destruction. but again, once again a grudge enveloped it all.