145. Pure Blood of Ettrama's Family

Reista took her hug away from Renand, gently stroking her son's soft cheek.

"Now Renand prepare yourself ready, OK. we are tidying up Renand's clothes and school supplies. Renand is joining Mommy, Renand lives with Mommy, OK?"

"Why do you have to clean up our clothes mom? We live here together". Renand who still didn't know anything, just put on Reista's face with his innocent face.

"Mommy no longer lives here with Grandma and Opa, dear. Mommy lives in another place. Renand wants to come with Mommy, right? Sleep with Mommy, take care of the baby". Reista stroked her stomach and showed Renand. Renand looked at the faces of Mr and Mrs Gornio for a while then looked at Reista's face.