184. Chintya Passed Away

whoever opened the door to Reista's room, but suddenly Reista was already walking unsteadily and entered Chintya's room with a trembling body. there was no sound from her small lips, only tears that flowed down profusely.

everyone almost screamed hysterically when they entered Chintya's room, Mr. and Mrs. Wiltson, Harry, Mrs. Gornio, and one small child who walked unsteadily because he woke up forcefully. There was Nafisah who looked blankly at the sight of blood everywhere. no one realized that Nafisah walked in, everyone was busy with their own thoughts, all were busy with their tears. no one saw a child living away by his mother in such a pathetic manner. no one knew there was a girl who was shaking violently and felt her whole body being pulled out..

Nafisah is old enough to know what blood is and why everyone is crying hysterically, Nafisah already knows enough that her mother is not okay because a lot of blood has covered her mother's body.