262. The Crying Nafisah

Renandra entered the room with Nafisah, Nafisah was so cute when she dragged her suitcase and opened the pink suitcase. All of Nafisah's belongings took out and showed it to Renand.

"Look, Nafisah is making a picture of Renand's with the baby's sister .. You see? The baby sister looks like a fruit in a shell, this is Renand who is holding Nafisah's hand. Nafisah showed the results of the drawing to Renand, Renand who saw it only smiled. but not with Nafisah, Nafisah laughing while holding up the picture she made .. feel proud that finally she can show the result of her drawing to Renandra

"Very good, when you grow up, Nafisah will definitely be able to draw even better. Nafisah likes to draw, huh?" Renand asked, who had seen the picture made by Nafisah. Nafisah nodded and took out all her drawings, they both laughed because many of Nafisah's pictures were really funny.