Chapter 24

"He asked you to be his girlfriend!" Ari exclaimed , quite shocked. "Yes Ari , for the hundreth time , Yes! and lower your voice people are still sleeping" I whispered yelled to her .

Last night after Alec dropped me off, I texted Ari inviting her to come to house so we can spend a day together without having to do anything. She said yes and came early, no that would be an understatement , it wasn't even 10 yet and it's a Sunday! But Ari is always welcome , I was feeling bored alone at the house

"It's nearly 10 , people shouldn't be sleeping this late." Ari grumbled with a frown on her face. I just smiled at her and shook my head . "Come on , breakfast is ready." I told her and put the plate in front of her .

When Ari saw the plate her eyes practically glowed , " I didn't know you could cook." she said , I just signaled with my hand for her to take a bite. She took a bite then instantly hummed in delight .

"So do you like it?" I asked her nervously . "I don't only like it , I love it !" she exclaimed. I just laughed , "I'm glad you like it ." I said then started eating my own food.

Ari then looked as if she remembered something, she looked at me , in her eyes an accusing glint, " hey you gave me food to distract me our conversation." Ari accused and pointed her fork at me.

"Me? Never !" I said sarcastically , she just glared at me . "But really, I am surprised that he asked you to be his girlfriend ." Ari said

I scratched my neck , "Yeah I know it's a bit early but I do think that it will be okay. And to be honest he was really romantic so I kinda got swept away in the moment" I told Ari truthfully .

"So , do you regret saying yes?" Ari asked me curiously , I shook my head "no , I don't . I think even if he said it while we were in the car I would have said yes ." I told Ari.

Ari looked at me closely then smiled and said ," Well if you're happy then okay." I smiled and continued eating.

After a moment I realized something , I abruptly turned to Ari and gave her an accusing look. Ari stopped eating and looked at me with her eyebrows raised as if asking ' what?'

"You knew where he was taking me , but you still made fun of me for not knowing where he was taking me!" I yelled. Ari's eyes widened but she shushed , "Shhh, quiet down , people are sleeping." Ari could barely hold herself together , she looked like she was about to burst in laughter.

I glared at her , "Why did you tease me?" I questioned her, "I thought it would be funny , and let me tell you it was ." She said then she finally started laughing . I tried to hold my glare but I jusst laughed with her .

"By the way , why isn't your aunt here?" Ari asked me, "An emergency happened with her business , yesterday when I came back she was standing there waiting for me . She told me that she should back on Tuesday." I explained , Ari nodded in understanding .


"Hey , you know what I realized?" Ari said. It was 3 pm , we just sat around all day talking, eating, and we even did a couple hours of studying .

"What?" I asked, "You , Adam and I never really hung out together even though we are the ones you have known first ." Ari said.

I frowned thinking back and then I realized what she said was true, "Hey Ari, text him. We can do a tv marathon ." I told Ari . Ari's eyes widened then a huge smile broke into her face , she nodded and instantly texted him.

After a couple minutes we heard Ari's phone get a notification. Ari picked it up then looked at it , "He said , he can be here in an hour." Ari told me . I clapped my hands together "great then , let's get stuff ready while he gets here."

"He's asking if he should get anything?" Ari said, I shook my head " No need I have everything we will need." I said, Ari nodded and texted him.


I heard the bell ringing so I quickly got to open it , "Hellooo " Adam said when I opened it , "Hey, come in!" I told him and stepped aside so he could enter . Adam stepped inside then handed me something that I hadn't noticed that he was holding .

"I didn't know what to bring so I brought ice-cream." Adam said and scratched his neck. "Aww , you shouldn't have" I said, "Oh but he did so we will enjoy it ." Ari said from behind me . I turned around and saw her standing right behind me. She then walked towards Adam and they hugged.

"Well come o, let's go choose something to watch ." I told Ari and Adam , then closed the door .

"So what do you guys want to watch ?" I asked as I plopped down the couch. I got everything and put it on the table in living room with the help of Ari and Adam .

"Please let's watch something fun and not like gossip girls ." Adam begged , "What's wrong with Gossip girls , it's fun!" Ari defended the show. Adam just made a disgusted face and Ari glared at him.

I laughed at them both then said , "Do you guys have anything to do tonight ? " I asked them . They both shook their heads, "Well would you like to stay the night and tomorrow we'll go to school together ?" I suggested , Ari and Adam looked at each then Ari said " Yeah sure , my parents won't mind ." Adam nodded in agreement " Yeah my sister won't mind either."

"Great text them ." I told them and started looking for something on the T.V, they nodded their heads but then Adam looked at me confused "What does that have to with what we are watching? " he asked me.

I looked at him with a smirk , "We're watching Hunter x Hunter . All of it ." I said. Adam's eyes widened then smirked back , "What's that?" Ari asked .

I gasped dramatically then shook my head at her "You, my friend are in a for wonderful journey " and Adam nodded his head then said "Yes , yes you are ."

Ari looked at us weirdly then shrugged her shoulders . I smiled at them and put on the first episode.


Alec's POV :

"Congratulations dude!" Caden exclaimed , "Isn't it a bit early?' Asher asked .

"Thank you Caden , and what do you mean Asher ?" I said with my eyebrow raised. "Well you haven't known each other long and this is your first date." Asher explained.

I looked at him then shrugged my shoulders , "It might be , but I'm happy so I don't care ." I said, Asher raised his eyebrows then sighed , "Well if you're happy ." he said with a shrug then smiled.

"Man , I'm bored" Caden complained , "Well , what do you want to do ?" I asked him while laughing at how childish he sounds . .. "Should we play something on the playstation? " Asher suggested .

"Nah we always do that , we should do something different ." Caden said , "Like what?" I asked him. Caden looked at with a smirk and I gave him a confused look, "Come with me." Caden said and left my room.

Asher looked at me confused but I just shrugged my shoulders and followed Caden .


"it sure has been a while , since we last did this!' I exclaimed while smiling , "It sure has ." Caden agreed with me , and Asher nodded his head.

We were at the skate park we used to go in middle school . We used to come here everday after school.

We skated around for a while then stopped and went to the lake near the park. We sat down at the hill that was looking over the lake and looked as the sun set down. Something that we haven't done in forever.

We sat in silence enjoying the sunset and the fact we are in each others company .