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Chapter 10 Final Ending

"Sweetheart are you ok? You look really pale, and your turning blue and purple mix together. Come we have to take you to the hospital now." Derek said

"Ah Daddy what is happening to me? I feel so sick now." Lumina said while crying more

We got to the hospital in time and the nurse rushed me into the back room, and I was getting all cold more and more. I saw there was blood and water coming out of me now, and I was crying and screaming more on what's happening.

And then all of a sudden I heard a baby crying now. I fainted on the bed all of a sudden.

I woke up to daddy holding me in his arms rocking me back and forth, to calm me down some.

"May I come in your majesty?" Dr. Stone said

"Yes please come in." Derek said

"Well I have wonderful news your majesty, you have a health beautiful baby girl. And I brought her to see you guys now. And don't worry your majesty, the queen will be fine now I promise." Dr. Stone said

"Wait a minute daddy, I was pregnant the whole time? I didn't know I was pregnant. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry daddy." Lumina said

"Babygirl calm down ok, the baby is health and fine and so are you. I'm so happy we have a baby now." Derek said

I saw the doctor bring in our baby girl and she was so little to me, I was afraid to hold her because of how small she is. I took her in my arms, and I felt so much loved for her now.

"Any names for your baby girl?" Dr. Stone said

"Yes her name is Hope. Can we go home now Dr. Stone?" Lumina said

"Yes, you may once we check on Hope health to make sure she is ok now." Dr. Stone said

"Thank you Dr. Stone for taking care of my mate and my babygirl as well." Derek said

"Your welcome your majesty." Dr. Stone said

I saw the doctor walked away with my babygirl, but I knew she would be ok and safe to. I got dressed and daddy was helping me since I'm still very sore still.

I saw the doctor coming back into the room again she was holding Hope, and giving her to me. I was holding my babygirl again and I said thank you to the doctor once again.

We left the hospital and headed back home safely and Hope was, smiling and holding my finger in her hand. And I knew I finally found my happy ever after and no one was going to take that away from me, ever again.

"Welcome home my little Hope, I love you so much and I love you to daddy." Lumina said

"I love you so much more sweetheart, both of my girls." Derek said

Derek kissed me so passionately and with so much love in his heart, I knew I found my king after all.

My happily Ever After is mine now.