Okay, a warning for all. This chapter is bloody. So, be warned.☺️ Also, this whole chapter is a flashback. Since I can't find the italics option anywhere😑😑, I have to make it known



Agate eyes, sharp, vivid and filled with untold hatred, glared at the man before her. Blood dripped from the cut on her forehead and also from her cut lip. Trembling in her arms was a copper haired little girl, who clung to her like a life line. Besides her, an amber skin boy held the head of an unconscious woman in his laps. He too was bleeding, as was the woman on the floor. The sharp pale azure eyes of the ash brown haired boy were filled with rage and hatred.


They both watched as the ash blond haired man stalked out of the room, his fist and clothes specked with blood. When the door closed, the owner of the agate eyes comforted the trembling child in her arms in a low voice. The boy let go of the head in his arms, allowing the awaiting robot to carry up the unconscious woman. She stood up with the child, and they all left the trashed room, robot in the lead.



A pained hiss passed through Leilyn clinched teeth as the brush once again made contact with the still fresh cut. Amharic gave her a sad smile in return.


"There." The dark skinned woman dropped the brush. "All done. You look good as new."


Leilyn stared at the mirror before her with dead eyes, turning her face side to side. Her cuts and bruises were gone, hidden under the water and smear proof make-up. Only her beauty marks were still visible, both under her eyes.




Amharic's hand paused. She looked at her daughter through the mirror.


"Why haven't you left yet?" The seven year old asked.


Amharic sighed through her nose, dropping the make-up brush. She turned to the girl, a defeated look on her face.


"I- I can't." She croaked out. "I have nowhere to go. Even if I did, your father will still find me. And I… I still love him. No matter how many times he hurt and humiliate me and my children, I… I still love him." Tears started brimming at the corners of her eyes. She held her daughter's face in her hands. "I'm so sorry." The tears finally won, falling down her purpled and bruised face. "I'm so sorry I can't protect you all."


She laid her forehead on Leilyn's head, sobbing uncontrollable. Leilyn just closed her eyes, wishing that she could do something. Anything.



Eight year old Leilyn stared through the glass at the figure hooked up to machines in the sickening white room. Besides her stood Damien, who bore a look of rage on his face, hands balled up in tight fists; and her mother, who was on the floor sobbing uncontrollably, a gloved hand on her mouth trying – and failing – to muffle her cries.


The door opened, and they all turned their head to its direction. And in came the last person they wanted to see.


"You." Amharic snarled. She jumped up to her feet and dived at him, landing a hard punch to his face. He landed on the floor, face filled with surprise. "What have you done to my daughter?!" Amharic jumped on him and started throwing well aimed punches at his face. He tried to block them, but Amharic just punched them. Due to the rings on her fingers, her punches hurt.


Francis tried to shove her off him, but she didn't budge. Amharic was in rage, and right now all her mind was set on murder. She punched wildly, getting his head, nose, eyes, mouth; basically everywhere. Soon, Francis' face was covered in blood, but Amharic never stopped. 


Her shouts of rage and Francis' pained cries got the attention of staffs, who hurried to break them off. But Amharic never gave up. She freed herself from their grip and kept diving at Francis, fists pounding and clawing at him. It wasn't until they tranquilized her that it became quite.


Through all these, Damien and Leilyn watched impassively, a wicked glint in their eyes. When Francis saw those eyes, a cold shiver went down his spine.


Leilyn stared at the lake below her, her eyes blank. The wind howled in her ears, ruffling her hair and gown. The twelve year old looked up at the dark sky, a blank look on her face. Without further ado, she jumped off the bridge, plundering into the water. When she hit the water, she blacked out, the drug in her body kicking in before she landed.



Leilyn stared at the dying figure not afar of from her. The man was crawling away, blood trailing after him. She paused in her typing, a brow rising up. She turned to look at her Sensei, who was staring at him in amusement. The teen closed her eyes and heaved a sigh of exasperation.


"Shin, just put the bastard out of his misery."


A voice cackled. Shinji looked at her, a demented grin on his face.


"Sure thing, Lyn-Lyn." The teen gave her a two finger salute before skipping over to the crawling man. The teen raised his tanto blade, before bringing it down on the man. The sword went through his back and into his chest. When he wrenched his sword out, blood followed it. Shinji began to mercilessly stab the man, not caring if he was already dead. Some of the dead man's blood got on Shinji, dirtying him. That only excited him, and he increased the force of his stabs, his laughter turning into a demented one.


Leilyn once again sighed in exasperation. She gave her Sensei a look, making the man to chuckle in amusement.


"Now, now Daughter. Let your brother have a little fun."


She sighed. "You spoil him too much."


"And so do you Lyn-Lyn!"


Leilyn once again rolled her eyes in exasperation, before going back to stealing the files on the laptop she was holding, ignoring the sounds of mad laughter and of blade meeting flesh, along with the splattering of blood.


Leilyn stared at the teen before her with amused eyes. Her look was returned in kind by the purple and black clothed figure before her.


"So… you're the Monochrome Phantom, huh? This is a surprise. Who would have thought that you, my brother, will be my rival on the killing board?"


Damien chuckled. "I'm honestly surprised Leilyn. To think that my little sister is the White Masked Death. This is a twist."


The two Sinclairs turned to the direction of their teachers. They seem to be hitting it off and- wait, was Sensei blushing?


Leilyn blinked rapidly, not believing her eyes. "Wow…" She muttered. Sensei was blushing at the Demon Fedora – even though he was glaring. What in the-


"…this is actually the first time I've seen R flirt with anyone with that look on his face." Damien said.


"Zoranne, please record this. Shinji is never going to believe this."


The two – plus A.I, via Leilyn's raised mask – watch as the fedora wearing hitman flirted with the Master Assassin. Like Leilyn, Sensei's mask was in his hand. R's hands made their way to Sensei's butt and he grabbed the suit cladded cheeks, giving them a good squeeze. His move got him a sucker punch in the stomach as a reward. He went down on his knees with a chocked groan. Leilyn winced, whist Damien hissed. The sharp knuckle protectors of the Yuki Assassin Guild was so joke.


The two watched as Sensei sniffed, before turning his back to R. He was about to walk away when R reached out and grabbed his ass… again. Damien and Leilyn sighed as the hitman got a backhand punch in the face for that, knocking his fedora from his head, releasing his spiky blond locks. Sensei started stomping on the man, face alit with fury.


Leilyn really can't blame R. Sensei was thick for a muscular – coughshortcough - man. And add up his beauty and charms, you get one thick, scowling Ikemen.


"Fifty thousand UPCs says he'll be die by Sensei's hand very soon." Leilyn sighed, turning to look at her brother.


"One hundred thousand says they'll fuck very soon."


They turned their attention back on the two adults, amused, as well as equally exasperated.


"You… want to kill him?" Hector stared at the eighteen and seventeen year old teens in front of him. Damien stood, leaning on one of the office chairs before him, while Leilyn sat on the other, looking like a perfect lady.


"Yes." Leilyn answered, her face emotionless.


"But… but he's your father."


"And you're his best friend, but you're fucking his wife." Damien cocked an eyebrow.


"How did you-"


"She's our mother, Uncle Hector. We were wondering what had her glowing and happy lately, so we decided to investigate."


"You… you are not angry?" Hector frowned.


"Hector, if anything, we are ecstatic. It gives us more reasons to kill the cheating and abusive bastard of a father." Damien huffed.


"What do you say uncle? Ready for some much needed disposal?"


A chilling grin spread out on the teens lips. A cold shiver went down Hector's spine.


These kids… they were serious. What happened to them on their days on Saerion and Aesia Continents?


A cold smirk took over Hector's lips. He rested his elbows on his desk, interlinking his finger before resting his chin.


"Where do we begin?"


Damien and Leilyn stared down at the cowering figures before them. Around them – inside and outside the house - laid the broken and bodies of their father's guards, either machine, human, or cyborgs. They stood tall, weapons in hand - Leilyn weild a ninjato while Damien had his guns -, bodies stained with blood and oil.


"Please, wait." Francis raised a hand, the other pushing the woman and kids behind him. "I'll give you anything you want. Just name it."


Damien and Leilyn decided not to wear their usual work clothes, instead optioning for midnight black full bodysuits, which had hoodies. They wore equally non traceable leather gloves and boots, and they also wore breathable full face masks - made by Leilyn with Nano-tech to mask everything about their face, even their voices. So right now, they were not associated with any Guild. They were simply on their own mission. 


"I wonder if you'll behave the same way as you do right now with our mother. But knowing you, father, that's an impossible thought."


"Fa- father?" The woman echoed, eyes still wide.


With a huff, Leilyn held her mask, the thick clasp behind her head breaking down and going back into the mask. She slowly removed the mask.


"Leilyn?!" Francis yelled, his eyes going wider in shock.


Damien followed his sister's example, showing his blank face to the five cowering idiots before them.


"Damien?!" Francis stood up, face alit with rage. "What is the meaning of this-"


Damien suddenly brought out a gun and shot the man in both thighs. Francis went down with a blood curling scream. The hitman and assassin stared at him with bored expressions, before turning their attention to the others.


"Hello." Damien and Leilyn greeted.


"So, you're the woman my shameless dog of a father is seeing behind my mother's back, huh?" Leilyn smiled warmly. She took a step forward, making the woman and the kids to move backwards. Leilyn's smile became warmer as she walked up to them, passing her shouting father, and eventually cornered them. She grabbed hold of the blonde's chin, looking straight into her eyes. "Hmmm, so you left my mother for a plain whore?" She released her chin and turned back to her father. With a chiding smile, she said, "How utterly disappointing."


"Why are you doing this?" Francis asked through his pain. His eyes kept darting at Leilyn and Damien to Flora and the kids. "Did your mother send you?"


His question got a deep chuckle from both of them. Leilyn slowly walked over to him, her endowed hips swaying as she moved with grace. Whoa, she really inherited her mother's African blood.


Leilyn squatted in front of him, her smile still in place.


"On the contrary father, you brought us here." Leilyn replied. Behind her, Flora and the kids began to move slowly away. Damien fired three warning shots at their feet, making them to scream and stop in fear. "Did you honestly think that karma won't come back to bite you?"


The teen grabbed his face roughly. She looked into his eyes, her smile still warm and loving. "Did you honestly think that after many years of suffering, we won't pay you back?" Leilyn's eyes narrowed into slits and the grip she had on her father's face became tighter. "You, who ruined our lives and made us suffer unnecessarily. You, who made my mother, my siblings and I bleed for nothing but for your own sick game. You should have just ended your marriage with my mother. It isn't a crime or offence to end a crumbling marriage. But you didn't. You just kept her and us as your punching bags."


Leilyn threw his face away. The teen nodded at Damien, who smiled dementedly. He wore back on his mask, before using his free hand to bring out a small, needle-free syringe. He jabbed the injection into Francis' neck and pumped the liquid into his body, getting a yell of pain.


"Dear!" Flora called out, taking few steps forward. The children also shouted out 'Father!'


Leilyn was beyond irritated now. The way her smile –to Damien's eyes– became tighter and sweeter was very telling.


"Wha-" Francis tried to stand up, but he fell back down with a hiss, due to the pain in his thighs and a sudden wave of dizziness. "What did you give to me?"


"Oh, nothing much." Leilyn batted her hand dismissively. "Just a little something to stop you from moving." She intoned neutrally, watching as the man couldn't hold himself anymore and fell on his face. Damien grabbed his hair and used it to pull him up. "It may have paralyzed your body, but you'll still feel pain." She smiled when he hissed at the way Damien was grabbing his hair.


"Please stop!" Flora suddenly said, grabbing their attention. She moved forward a bit, distancing herself from the two children. "Aren't the two of you his children?!"


"But that didn't stop you from becoming his side piece whore." The woman flinched at Leilyn's words. The teen slowly stood up, eyes on the fair skinned woman. "You knew he had a wife and children, but you still slithered your way into his bed." Leilyn wiggled her fingers, taking slow steps to her.




"Since you came into his life, my father has been a mean piece of work." Leilyn chuckled dryly. "The love he had for my mother dispersed into thin air, and he started his long time mission of making her and her children suffer. He hit us, humiliated us, injured us, and raped my sister!" She hissed the last part, spinning around to look at Francis. "My sister, who was just six. Years. Old." She spun back to face Flora, who had a wide, horrified look in her eyes. "My kid sister has never been the same after that day. And it was because of him, and you."


"I- I swear I didn't know!"


"Of course you didn't. He wanted to look good in the eyes of his perfect harlot. A good for nothing nobody, who ruined our happiness. You and he, along with the retched spawns he got from you, deserve to die." A maniac glint appeared in her eyes, making Flora to take hurried steps back. "And you're all in luck. The time to receive your just reward has come." She spread her arms.


"NO!" Francis shouted, desperately trying to move his body. "Don't do this!"


Leilyn turned to face him. "And why not?" The teen cocked her eyebrow.


"The Enforcers will find out! The moment the alarm was tripped, they were made aware! They are on their way as we speak!"


A snort escaped from Leilyn's lips, then another, before she was full on cackling. Francis triumphant look melted from his face.


"Do you really think we are stupid?" The teen continued her cackling. She abruptly stopped, her demeanor changing. "Father, there are such things known as A.Is. And unfortunately for you, I built four. Four A.Is who can dissect the very foundation of the government and bring it tumbling down with just the snap of my fingers. A.Is who are superior to that of the pathetic, inferior ones you and all those other company built. A.Is that can infiltrate and evade the entire world law enforcement and superior. Honestly father, did you really think that my intelligence will go to waste?" She gave the man a patronizing look. "I built them to interfere with the Enforcers. To hide our dirty laundries. The same way you hid your years of abuse of us from them, is the same way they will hide your death."




"Fitting, isn't it?" She chuckled. "To be killed by the very children you treated like nothing but trash. What a happy ending."


"Please, no. Leilyn please, don't do this!"


The teen put back on her mask. "Just enjoy the show." She gave an exaggerated bow, before turning back to Flora. The teen unsheathed the dagger behind her waist and gave it a quick spin.


"Leilyn! Stop!"


"Matthew! Morena! Run!" Flora pushed the kids away. She dived at Leilyn, trying to stop her from reaching the fleeing children.


Leilyn buried the dagger into Flora's stomach, making the woman gasp deeply in pain. Seeing as his sister was busy, Damien took the liberty of bringing down the fleeing children, shooting both of them in the head. They dropped like puppets who suddenly had their strings cut and their blood began to join the rest on the floor.


"NO!" Francis screamed.


Leilyn used her knife to rip Flora's stomach wide open, the woman screeching in agony at that. The teen moved back, staring impassively at the wailing woman, who tried fruitless to pick up her intestines or keep the remaining ones from falling out. Leilyn walked behind her, taking her hair into her hand. Flora struggled weakly, still sobbing and body becoming pale.


Damien tugged Francis head up higher, so that he can look right at Leilyn and Flora. Leilyn's mask gave way for her eyes, allowing the man to see the malicious glint in them. The teen placed her dagger by the left end of Flora's throat, grip tight on the knife.


"Always remember father; this is all your fault. What you reap, is what you sow." And with that said, Leilyn slowly cuts open her neck, blood spurting out like a geyser. Flora's hands held her neck, trying to stop the blood flow. Leilyn kept looking at Francis, who had tears streaming down his eyes as he watched his mistress chock on her own blood.


When Flora finally stopped twitching, Leilyn unceremoniously dropped her body. She calmly walked over to them, boots leaving footprints in blood.


"You will pay for this." Francis spat out, eyes filled with hatred.


"How? When you're about to die too." She chuckled. "Don't worry father, you're about to join your ideal family. Your earthly resources will be well managed by my mother." Her mask reformed into its full state.


Damien and Leilyn walked out of the destroyed house, Damien dragging the cursing Francis along the way. They met a certain cyborg outside, who chuckled in amusement.


"I see y'all didn't go easy on them." The smoking cyborg stated.


"I thought I told you should leave." Damien glared at him. Even though he couldn't see it, he felt it,


"And miss the Monochrome Phantom and the White Masked Death in action? Hell no!"


"Then I suggest you start leaving Borgat." Leilyn said, the teens not stopping to address him. "Z, bring out his car."


The sound of a car turning on was heard, and the garage opened, allowing it to drive out. Leilyn and Damien walked over to it, and the doors automatically opened. Damien, who has hosteled his gun back, hefted Francis up and placed him in the front seat. He placed the man's hands on the starring wheel, before pushing on the seat belt button.


While he did all these, Leilyn stood back, and was joined by Borgat. The cyborg watched in amusement as Francis was strapped in like a baby. Once done, Damien tapped the hood of the car before walking away.


"No!" Francis tried to move, fingers twitching. Ahh, looks like the drug was about to wear off. "What are you doing?!"


"Giving you the last ride of your life. Safe trip father."


And with that said, the door closed shut. The three watched as the car drove off, controlled by Zoranne. Zoranne made it far a bit before driving the car off the cliff. Although a hovering car with an inbuilt flying system which kick up when such accidents are about to happen, Zoranne fried the program.


With one last scream, Francis plundered to his death.


The three hitmen and assassin watched as an explosion occurred.


Borgat whistled. "Wow, I'm impressed. Not only did you kill everyone who stood in your way, you also staged an accident. I applaud you both." He grinned at them. "Even though he was an asshole, he paid good dough."


"Hn. Z."


Borgat's watch made a sound, and the cyborg blinked owlishly. His previous grin came back wider and he stared at Leilyn in excitement.


"Pleasure doing business with you MD." He tipped his hat. The cyborg waved at them before getting on his bike and flying off.


The siblings watched him go, eyes impassive. They stared at the scene of carnage before them. Above them, their plane loses its invisibility. Two ropes dropped down and they grabbed one each. They threw one last passing glance at the crime scene before they were pulled up into the plane. Once in, they took a seat and began to remove their bloodied clothes. Without further ado, the plane regained its invisibility and zoomed off.


It was a bright and sunny day when the corpse Francis Sinclair was burned. The world watched on as the well-dressed corpse of one of the world's most influential man was incinerated in a transparent capsule. People in black stood solemnly, eyes filled with pity as they stared at his family.


Unlike her children, who were silent and had on blank expression, Amharic was sobbing uncontrollable. Damien had an arm around his mother, while Leilyn had hers around Alexandra. The youngest Sinclair look at the burning corpse, eyes blank. Inside, she was jumping for joy. He's finally gone.


Damien and Leilyn threw a quick glance at each other, smirking inwardly.


People thought that Amharic was crying because she lost her husband, but her and her children knew the real reason for her tears.


They were finally free of the asshole.                 



Leilyn's eyes roamed room. Her bored agate eyes jumped from one person to another. By her left sat Damien, and to her left sat her mother, then Alexandra. The family of four sat majestically in comfortable, single couches. They radiated raw regal aura and their expressions were blank. They all stared at the ten individuals in the room with them with impassive and cold looks; which made them uncomfortable.


"I'm sorry that I am late." Hector came inside the room, a single file in his hand. He blinked when he saw the number of people in the room. "Umm… why are there much people here?"


The other people consisting of the company's main board members and other unknowns, shifted and arranged themselves well in their seats.


"Francis once informed me that if he were to die, I was meant to be in the will reading." A woman dressed in expensive 20th century attire comments. Others echoed the same thing, getting silent snorts from Damien and Leilyn.


"Well, I'm sorry to say that you all won't be needed here. Only Mrs. Sinclair and her children are expected here." Hector said.


"What?!" A man shouted.


"What do you mean?! Our names are supposed to be in that will!" Another woman shouted.


The room became noisy due to the constant screaming. Having had enough, Damien stood up with a sigh. The teen placed his fingers into his mouth and releasing a harsh whistle. Leilyn winced at the volume. Consequences of having sharpened hearing. 


Once Damien got their attention, the built teen folded his arms –making his muscles to bulge– and stared down at them with a look that made them step back or shiver in fear.


"Can you all kindly shut the fuck up?" The room became so quite that you could hear a cricket in the background. "Thank you." He turned to Hector, who gave him a nod in thanks.


"Now then." Hector cleared his throat, carefully tearing the seal of envelope. He brought out a single paper, holding it gently. "This will is only meant to be heard by the family members I'm afraid."


"It's okay Hector." Amharic waved her hands dismissively with a small smile. "It's okay. Go ahead." It's not like is going to contain anything good, knowing her black hearted husband.


"As you wish." He inclined his head. Hector cleared his throat once again before he began.


Once Hector finished reading the will, the room erupted with shouts of rage and disbelief. Amharic stared at her lover in shock, mouth wide agape. Heck even Alexa looked surprise.


With a deep chuckle, Leilyn rested her elbow on the armrest, fisted her hand before laying her cheek on it, a smirk on her lips.


How amusing.


"Are you two sure you want to do this?" Amharic asked in a worried voice.


"Yes mother." Leilyn heaved a sigh, for what felt like the umpteenth time. Beside her, Damien smiled, an amused look aimed at his mother.


"You know, with the money your father left, there's no need to do this. You two can just work in the company with me." Amharic pointed out.


The two siblings threw amused glances between themselves before huffing.


"Mother, the company is for you. And when Alexa is ready, she'll be the one to take over." Damien said.


"Damien and I want to start something new. If we stay with you, we'll become too comfortable and lose track of our goals." The teen walked up to Amharic and pulled her into a hug. "Please don't be offended."


Amharic sighed, hugging back. "I'm not." Leilyn lets go of her. The dark skinned woman took her face into her hands, a stern look on her face. "I know you and your brother want to make names for yourselves, and I'll never be an obstacle in the way of your dreams. Just… please be careful."


The teens nodded in understanding. With one last sigh, Amharic laid a soft kiss on Leilyn's head.


"If you both have any problems, your A.Is will be there to help you. Yours and Zoranne will assist you in looking after the company in our absence, mother. And if you have any problems, or just want to hear our voices, you can use them to contact us easily. Our A.Is will update each other of our health status and inform us if something is critically wrong with one of us." The teen said.


Once the Leilyn stepped away from her to go hug her sister goodbye, Damien took over.


"Take care of yourself and Alexa, mom." The teen said softly. When he moved back, Amharic kissed his forehead.


"I will." The woman nodded.


Damien moved over to Alexa, pulling the young teen into his arms. He told the girl that she was now the woman of the house, telling her to take care of their mother and herself. The teen nodded aggressively, promising to do so.


With a glare, Amharic made R and Sensei – alias Laerai and Tenoshira – promise that they will take care of her children. Without another hugs of goodbye, the teens went into their respectful cars, teachers behind them. And without further ado, they were flying off to their respectful Teleportation Centre and off to their respectful continent.


Nineteen year old Leilyn stared at the two men with a tired, happy grin.


Finally, after many years of wooing and then dating, R is finally getting married to Sensei.


The fedora loving man was grinning happily at the dead fish eyed man, who had a small smile on his lips. R was dressed in a white three piece, looking handsome and regal than usual. His spiky blond hair still the way it was, his earrings gone. Sensei wasn't lacking in the handsome department. The man was dressed in a yukata, looking all regal in his Japanese attire.


She and Damien were standing in the role of man/maid of honor for their respective teachers. Damien was dressed in a three piece suit –as usual– while Leilyn was dressed in a beautiful kimono. The falling cherry blossoms gave the four of them exquisite looks, and the small congregation were spell bound.


When the two men exchange vows and wore each other's rings and finally kissed, Damien and Leilyn heaved sighs of relieve, giving each other an amused look.





Leilyn blinked owlishly at the scene before her. The twenty-two year old soon found herself gapping in shock.


The two before her paused in their activity once they realized they were not alone. They stared at her with wide eyes.


Leilyn closed and open her mouth, unsure of what to say. After a minute of being tongue tied, the woman finally spoke.


"When you two are done, meet me." And with that, she walked out of the garden. She went and sat on the outdoor couch, under the large as hell gazebo. Five minutes later, they came, half dressed.


The two men sat before her, eyes not meeting hers.


"So… when did this start?"


"…three months ago."


Leilyn cocked a brow. "And you never told me…because?"


"We weren't sure if… this will last."


"Hn." Leilyn stared at them. "When are you going to make it official?"


"Maybe after a year."


Leilyn hummed again. With a smirk, she said, "So, garden sex huh?"


Damien and Shinji groaned in dismay.



Agate eyes watched as the ship blasted off into the sky. She smiled with pride as her inventions were flown into space from all corners of the world.


Once the satellites of the Healer 101 were in position around the globe, celebration began. With a grin, Leilyn activated them.


Finally, she can walk under the sun without feeling like she was in the depts of hell. And maybe, just maybe, the Lunar Project can become a reality.


Leilyn rocked the sobbing Alexandra in her arms. She comforted the bleeding twenty-one year old in her arms, whispering words of comfort into her ears. The twenty-three year old raised her head and settled her gaze on Damien, who was currently chocking the life out of Amber Heartstone, Alexandra's girlfriend of two years. The twenty-four year old Sandros had the twenty-five year old Amber dangling in the air, hand chocking her throat.


How could Leilyn not notice that something was seriously wrong with her sister's relationship? Was she that busy that she didn't see the signs? Heck, no one even knew, not even R or Sensei. Alexandra hid her situation really well that not even master assassins, hitmen or ever knowing A.Is got a whiff of it. 


But why did she stay? Why did she put up with the bullshit? Was this what love is? It was no different from her mother's relationship with their late father. Amber wasn't different from those two who claimed to love Leilyn or her father who claimed to love her mother, but in the end wanted to kill them.


Leilyn's face was pinched in rage. The woman placed an arm under Alexa's knees and the other on her back. With a silent grunt, she got up, her sister secured in her arms.


"Damien." She called out. The man turned his head and regarded her with a cold, side eye. "Don't kill her. It won't do anything good right now."


The copper haired man narrowed his eyes into slits, and the grip he had on Ember's throat tightened. He turned his eyes back at the chocking woman, who was trying to pry his hand away, her legs kicking in the air.




The man dropped her abruptly on the floor. Amber held her throat, coughing and taking in precious air. The copper head stared down impassively at her shaking form, eyes still cold.


"Damien. Leave her. We'll take care of this situation later."


Amber raised her head to meet Damien's eyes and the look in his eyes chilled her to the bone. His eyes screamed death.


Damien turned and calmly walked over to his sisters, removing his long trench coat. He covered Alexa before taking her from Leilyn's hands. With a last promising cold glance at Amber, they left.


"You know you don't have to do this, right? You don't have to prove anything."


"I know Damien. But, I want- no, I have to do this."


"But why?"


Alexandra, soon to be Alexander, heaved a sigh.


"Since that day, I have always felt so weak." She began. "Even though you enrolled me into defense classes, mother, I still felt so pathetic. Even with Amber, I couldn't protect myself. I couldn't do anything. Even though I have an A.I who's superefficient and could have ruined her life, I couldn't do shit. And obviously, I couldn't call you both to come to my rescue, again. I wanted to take care of myself without you all babying me. I thought I could take care of myself… but I thought wrong. I've always felt as if I was doing things wrong. I've always felt as if I'm not in my right skin. And no, this doesn't have anything to The Incident. I just…" She heaved a tired sigh. "For once in my life, I want to do something right. I want to be strong. Doing this, it will make me strong. Right now, I finally feel free, as if I'm no longer hiding who I am. I want this."


"But you don't have change yourself just to be strong!" Amharic intoned strongly. "Take a good look at your sister!" She gestured at Leilyn, who stood with her arms folded, exposed toned biceps encased with golden bands. "She's strong the way she is! Alexandra, this surgery is permanent! What if later on you regret and then you-"




Amharic stopped. Her body went slack in defeat, and a heavy sigh passed her lips.


Leilyn walked over to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.


"Alexa knows what she's doing; she's no longer a child. She has already started her transition process, it's time for her to finish it." Her mother nodded sadly. "Don't be sad. You might be losing a daughter, but you're getting another son."


Amharic sighed again, before raising her head and looking at Alexandra with a warm, shaky smile. She bent down and gave the sited woman a kiss on the forehead.


"Good luck in there my jewel. May She be with you."


Alexandra smiled lovingly at her.


With their own well wishes, and warning to the doctors, Damien and Leilyn, along with their mother, watch as Alexandra was taken away for her surgery.


 Leilyn hummed one of her favorite song to the fussing thirteen months old in her arms. The child began to calm down two minutes later, burrowing his face into her bosoms. Soon, the child fell asleep.


"Wow, you're really good at this." Shinji said lowly, his usual wide grin still on his face. He gently sat on the couch Leilyn was on, dark blue polished fingers reaching out to gently caress the baby's chubby cheek. "Hidemitsu has never gone to sleep so fast, until today."


"Hn. Seeing as he has both of yours and my brother's blood in him, it's no surprise that he's a hellion." She grinned. She chuckled breathlessly when the Japanese descendant groaned lowly.


"Who knew a Birth Chamber Pod will make such an angelic demonlin?"


Leilyn chuckled deeply, which made the child to whimper in his sleep. Composing herself, the dark red copper head continued her humming.


"Let's just pray he won't be as demonic as R's and Sensei's Lexus and Ihara." She whispered. Her statement got a huff of laughter from Shinji.


A twenty-five year old Leilyn stared blankly at the burning corpses before her. Her mind was blank, as were her emotions. The sound of her mother wailing in Hector's arms and the quite sobbing of Alex in Shinji's arms were like background noises to her.


Her brother… was dead.  Damien was gone. Along with R.


The lady slowly walked up to the view glass, by passing Sensei - who stared at the scene before him with cold impassiveness, eyes dead and expression blank. Leilyn placed her palms on the glass, her forehead meeting it with a dull thunk. She stared as her brother's ashes, along with his teacher's, were carefully poured into elegant jars.


Leilyn slowly fisted her hands, eyebrows furrowing in anger and teeth gritting in rage. Her breath came in heavy huffs and puffs, the veins on her forehead popping.


Those fucking bastards. Those cowards. They took two of her family in the most dishonorable way. They killed them in the most cowardly way.


They were all going to pay. In blood and death.


For a month, blood and death rained down in heavy doses on three of five continents. After the death of the infamous Demon Fedora and Monochrome Phantom – as rumored by the Underworld -, hell was unleashed on the elites of the continents.


The White Masked Death went on a killing spree that even the public had no choice but to notice. Some of the dead victims were either beheaded, sliced in two or killed in various ways by a sword or gun; while the others, who seemed to be her main target, where displayed in horrific manners.


Those who managed to survive death narrowly were traumatized for life. When asked to give statements, they refused, clearly afraid for their lives. One didn't get the memo and he was later found dead.


According to him, she was accompanied by two others, whose toned body through their suit and whole physic made it obvious that they were men. He mentioned that something was different about the White Death. Instead of her familiar mask which had a large smile and upside U eyes, she wore a black mask without any expression, red tear marks were on the cheeks. One of the men had on an orange mask and wielded a certain scythe, while the other had on purple mask and wielded a huge ass sword whilst bearing two guns –which also enlarges into a fucking machine gun-  on his laps. Like MD, there's had tear marks on their cheek.


They were all brutal in their killings, the one with the purple mask more so than the others. He took great pleasure in making his enemies feel harrowing pain before killing them. MD and the orange one were more swift and quick in their execution. No matter how many people were guiding their target, they made quick work of them. Adding to the fact that they had a jet with heavy machinery, and with aid of seemingly indestructible unknown robots; it was a massacre.


With more description and investigation, the one with the orange mask was later identified as one of the world's most deadly serial killer dubbed as The Silent Death, who has been said to have killed hundreds of people. Due to his huge signature katana, the purple one has also been identified as The Savager, whose name meant what it implied. He's known for his savagery in his killings. His victims are either tortured to insanity then death or are ripped or sliced apart, or simply both.


For these three killers to work together, someone royally pissed them off.


Not even the Enforcers could stop them, as expected. The Enforcers who stood in their way by protecting their targets were simply cut down along with said target.


No one knew where they came from, nothing was known about them and why they did it. The cameras didn't even get a whiff of them. It was as if they didn't exist, as if they were a myths or ghosts. But the bodies left in their wake made it very clear that they were not.


That month was dubbed the Month of Death, and the three of them were branded by the world as the Three Echoes of Death.


The number of people confirmed to be dead at their hands were one thousand, three hundred and forty-six (not counting the ten dead hitmen in the Underground). Among them were politicians and people in high position. Heck, even the presidents of the Eurosia and Ameraetyr continent, along with their entire family and entourage, were killed. Even their cabinet members and their family were cut down. Everyone who the world knew were corrupt and those who had their hands in anything illegal, were cut down, and their crimes were aired for the world to see.


It was truly a bloody month.


Finally, after the death of Aesia's minister of defense, the three death bringers vanished into thin air, never to be heard from or seen again.



"What is the meaning of this?" A twenty-seven year old Leilyn smacked a thick heavy folder on her boss's desk top. The files were picked up by said boss, and she read through it, her brows furrowing as her eyes scanned the papers in it.


"How did you get this?" Taesa Reinerzel asked, her narrowed eyes raising up to meet Leilyn's. When she saw the look in the woman's eyes, she froze.


"After all the warnings I gave you all, you still went ahead, behind my back, and pulled off this bullshit?"


Taesa gulped at her tone, beads of sweat coming decorating her forehead.


Leilyn looked like death in human form. Her aura screamed death, and her eyes pierced into Taesa's very soul.


"Do not anger me Taesa. I am not one you should cross. Fix this or I'll fix it for you myself. And trust me, you do not want that." Leilyn chuckled darkly, making a cold shiver run down Taesa's spine. "I've taken the liberty of deleting every blueprints of all my projects I have worked on with this company. That is the first step I've made for you. Now, you do the rest. If you don't, both this company and the government will feel my wrath. Do not take my threats lightly. That is the last thing you should do."


Leilyn gracefully spun around, heading for the door. She paused and turned back to face the director.


"Oh, by the way, I quit. After the opening of the Lunar Base, which you all have corrupted so, you won't see a speck of me."


And she walked out, ignoring the calls of her name.



"So, this is your new house huh?" Shinji asked.


"Yep." Twenty-eight year old Leilyn replied, popping the 'p'. She faced her family, arms spread out wide with a grin. "So, what do y'all think?"


"It's so pretty Aunty Lyn!" A nine year old Lexus said loudly.


"Pretty!" A five year old Hidemitsu echoed with a nod.


The silent seven year old Ihara just nodded curtly with a grunt.

Kami-sama, the girl took over from her papa (Sensei).


Leilyn's grin widen the more. She clapped her hands together, her eyes closing.


"Now, who wants ice cream?"


"ME!" The kids replied as one; even the silent Ihara shouted.


With exasperated sighs from her mother, brother, Sensei and Shinji, they all went inside, the kids chatting incoherently.