WARNING: This chapter is bloody. There are explicit death scenes here.


It's been a month, two weeks and four days since Shinji and the boys left. Once again, Leilyn's house is quiet as a graveyard. She's conflicted about the silence. Although she's glad that her usual peace is back, she feels a little bit sad that she's alone again. Maybe being alone all the time isn't a good after all. With the way things are going, she might adopt a dog. Or dogs. Maybe cats. Cats are nice. And more like her than dogs. Too energetic. But maybe energetic is good. Hmm…


Lately, Leilyn's been having this feeling like something is about to go down. Something life changing and horrible. She hasn't felt like this since that day. It's frankly troubling.




She's brought out of her thoughts by Alex's worried voice. She blinks, focusing once more on the hologram screen before her.


Alex has a worried frown on his face while the other six had confused looks on.


"Lyn. Stai bene? (Are you okay?)" Alex asked.


She starts massing the bridge of her nose, heaving a tired sigh. "Sto abbastanza bene, Lex. (I'm quite alright.)"


Alex's frowns deepens and his lips purses into a thin line.


"Now…" She drops down her hands with another sigh, facing them with a pained grimace. "Where were we?"


The meeting continues. It's nothing different. Just how the stocks of the company is fairing. As she's now the eldest child, the reports about its welfare and progress, along with the success of any invention made by the company is now reported to her – and occasional with Alex if he's feeling up to it. On a normal day, she would have talked their ears off, but right now, she wasn't feeling it. It's pretty obvious to the others seeing as they stopped talking.




"Just…" She waves her hand, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. "Just send me the report. I'll read them once I get rid of the blasted headache."


With nods of understanding, the six board members log off.




She looks up and meets the worried stare of her little brother.


"Are you okay?"


"I'm fine."


"No, you're not." He immediately counters. "There're variations of 'fine' when it comes to you. So, which one is it? Is it the 'I'm sick' fine or the 'I'm hiding death issues' fine?"


"More like 'I'm sleep depraved and I need to fucking sleep' fine." She sighs.


Alex blinks, head tilting a little, making his stray dreadlocks to cover an eye. "You haven't slept?"


"For two days now."


Alex makes a surprised noise. "Why?!" He looks at her in shocked confusion. "Lyn, I know we are scientist and all, but you're getting old. Heck, you're basically a geezer now! You need your rest." He grins ruefully at her.


Leilyn glares at him. "For your information, I'm twenty-nine. And if it might have escaped your memory, you're just two years younger than me. So, if I'm a geezer, then you're a geezer in training."


Alex snorts in amusement, making her eyes go soft. Once again, she sighs. She's been doing that a lot lately. 


"For your information," Alex snorts again, making her roll her eyes in exasperation. "I've been getting much needed rest, but since yesterday, I can't shake off the feeling that something bad is about to go down." That wipes the smile from Alex's face and his demeanor changes. "It's the same feeling I had before Damien and R…"


Alex's eyes go wide for a moment before they narrow into slits. His back straightens and his voice deepens. "I'm coming over."


"No." Leilyn immediately disagrees. "Stay with mom. I know she can protect herself – not counting the literal battalion of bodyguards surrounding her and the house – but I want both of you to be close. Shinji and the others have each other, so no worries."


"But what about you?"


Leilyn give him a warm smile. "Don't worry about this geezer. Said geezer can protect herself." She winks at him.


Alex still isn't convinced. He stares at her with unsure eyes.


"Lex, don't worry too much. I can handle myself."


"That's what big brother and R said before they…"


Leilyn smiles sadly at him. "And I promise you I won't end up dead. In case anything seems off, Zoranne will personally inform you."


Alex nods hesitantly.


"Don't worry Alex, I'll be fine." She smiles tiredly at him.




A tranquil silence descends on them momentarily, before it was dispersed by Alex gently shout of,


"Oh yeah!"


Leilyn blinks at him.


"Today is the start of the Summer Solstice!"


"It's the 19th already?" Leilyn taps her watch and yep! It's June 19th alright. "Huh."


"I heard that the moon this time will be a blood moon and will last until tomorrow morning. God, it will be magnificent!"


"Don't blood moons come every hundred or so years?"


"Yep! But this one is a surprise. The last one was when the war started."




"You sure don't sound enthusiastic about it."




Alex laughs nervously. "Right."

"Thank the Cosmos for Zoranne then. She'll wake me up around three in the morning to look at it."


"Wake up around one or two. Three's too late. It might be gone then. And three is Witching Hour. I won't advice you to be out by then, especially on a blood moon."


"Well, you heard the old man Zoranne."




"Set an alarm for three."


"Right away Ms. Leilyn."


"Who are you calling an old man?!" Alex pouts.


"As long as you call me geezer, I'll be calling you old man."


Alex's pout deepens. He was about to say something when the sound of an incoming transmission stops him.




Leilyn cocks a brow. "Work?"


"Yes." He groans. "From the lab. I swear they act like idiots who have no idea what they are doing when I'm absent." He pinches the bridge of his nose.


"Well, seeing as you're the only one apart from mom that knows how to deal with my inventions, I'm not surprised."


Alex sighs again, dropping down his hand. "Well, I have to go. I'll talk to you another time, because gods know that whatever those idiots have done, I'm going to be busy as fuck."


Leilyn chuckles. "No prob otouto (little brother). Try not to kill them."


With a long suffering groan, Alex ends the transmission.


Leilyn heaves a sigh, throwing her head back and rests her back on her chair. Hey eyes stays on the ceiling above her for a minute before she closes them with a groan.


The throbbing in her skull is awfully persistent. Not even the Nanobots in her could relive her. Looks like she was taking that painkiller after all.


With a grunt, she gets up from the chair and walks out of her study room. She slowly walks to her room upstairs, so as not to jolt her headache into a full blown migraine. She walks into her en suite bathroom, opens the medicine cabinet above the sink and take the bottle of painkiller. She drops two tablets in her palm, popping the lid of the bottle back and dropping it in its position in the cabinet. She uses her free hand to turn up the tab and scoop a little bit of water into her mouth. She throws her head back and drop the pills into her mouth, and with the aid of the water, she swallows them. She scoops more water and drinks, washing her face along the way. She switches off the tap, grabbing the towel by the side and cleans her face.


When Leilyn looks into the mirror, she sees how tired she was. And she also saw that the obsidian jewel was not as dark as before. Looking closely, she sees that it has a white tint in it. Weird.


With a shrug, she walks out and into her bedroom. She throws the towel in the hamper. She removes the long sleeved shirt she has on, along with her bra, dropping them on the floor by the side of her bed. She sighs in relieve as her breasts were free from their temporary prison. She walks to her drawer and picks up a loose, slim strap sports crop top. With that and the shorts she had on, she goes downstairs.


As it was already three in the afternoon, she makes herself small lunch and goes back to the living room.


The day went fast and before she knew it, it was nine o' clock in the night. She was already dozing off, an empty tub of ice cream in her hands


"Ms. Leilyn."


Zoranne's voice has her waking up.




"I suggest you make your way to your bed. Sleeping on a couch is not good for your health."


"Ugh. Fine."


The dark red copper haired sluggishly walks to the dinner and drop the tub and spoon on the table. She'll deal with it tomorrow. Blearily, she goes upstairs, into her room, removes her shorts – leaving her in only her sports bra and black underwear – and throws them on the floor before crawling into her duvet and falls into Morpheus' bosom.



A single harsh beep has Leilyn snapping awake. She shoots up, her right hand making its way under the pillow beside her. With narrowed eyes, she surveys the room, and realizes that something's wrong.


One:  the room is dark. The balcony doors are the only thing that provides a little bit of light, which honestly doesn't help to reduce the darkness in the room. Looking at the digital clock on her nightstand, the time's just 12am on the dot, too soon for Zoranne to either darken the windows or wake her up for the moon watch.


Two: Zoranne. The A.I is unusually silent and Leilyn's quiet whispers of her name goes unanswered.


Leilyn removes the duvet from her body, still calling out to Zoranne. She stands up and walks over to the door, face twisted into a frown and lips pursing in a thin line. In her right hand was one of her custom made military styled tanto daggers, Shadow, clasped tightly. She places her ear on the door, closes her eyes and listens. It takes her some seconds before she finally catches an incoming sound.




Her eyes snap open and she backtracks to her bed.


Someone's in the house. And that someone managed to disable Zoranne before she could sound a full alert to her.


Leilyn gets back on the bed, covers herself and lays her head on a pillow. She hides under a pillow, still clutching her dagger. She steadies her breathing and heartbeat, closing her eyes. A moment later, she hears her door slowly being opened. She waits, muscles tight under the duvet.


Footsteps walk in, heading to her bed. The owner of said footsteps walks and stands at her back. There's ruffling of clothes and Leilyn's eyes snaps open when she smells something she's all too familiar with.




Without further ado, she snaps up, dagger following her. She rams it under their jaw, the zig zagged ends of the blade making it easy for it to drive in. Blood lands on her face and chest, but she pays it no heed. She watches through narrowed eyes as the clocked individual struggles to push her away, choking audible.


With disdain, Leilyn stands up, twisting her dagger and driving it in deeper. Leilyn watches with blank eyes as they stopped twitching, going limp. Due to the body going heavy in death, she grabs their clothing with her left hand, and with another twist of her right, Leilyn jerks out her dagger with a sickening sound. Blood gushes out, splattering her with its warm essences. She gently drops the body onto the floor.




A female voice calls out and Leilyn snaps her head towards the door. She could see the light coming towards her room, along with the sound of footsteps.


"What's taking you so long? Come on, We are on a schedule here. And you know how the old geezers are."


Leilyn silently runs and plasters herself on the wall beside the door. Due to the darkness, her underwear and skin, she blends it. Her eyes are on the open door, body ready to strike at any moment.


"Lowin?" The woman steps in, and due to the light of the lantern, Leilyn could clearly see the frown on her face; but the woman doesn't see Leilyn, who's hiding by her left. "What's-" She lets out a horrified gasp when her eyes catches the dead body and blood on the floor. "Lo-"


Leilyn drives her dagger into her throat, making her to release a choked gasp. Leilyn steps in front of her, lips tilted in a warm smile. She grabs the lantern from her hand before it could fall to the floor. The woman's hands grabs her hand, and Leilyn's blank eyes meets terrified chestnut. With her smile widening, Leilyn rips her dagger to the right, slicing through flesh and veins. Blood splatters out with a high velocity. She catches the falling lady, gently dropping her twitching body to the floor.


Lantern in hand and dagger in the other, Leilyn walks over and into her closet, leaving bloody footsteps as she goes. She reaches for her weapon compartment and unlocks it. Because Zoranne is currently unavailable and there's no power, she has to do it manually. She drops the electric lantern on the floor and grabs one of her black colored ninja-samurai tanto blade sword and straps it on her back. She looks at its twin, contemplating for a second if she should take it too, but decides against it. She also grabs the twin of Shadow, Merchant, along with a pouch containing six, black kunais.


She goes back into her room and drops them on the bed. She picks up her discarded shorts and bra on the floor and wears them. Due to her thickness - which she inherited from both of her parents. By the cosmos, her mixed genes are… something else - , her breasts and ass cheeks tend to… jiggle and bounce unnecessarily, and make things difficult and annoying for her when in a battle. She removes the bloody crop top, wears her bra before putting the bloody clothing back on.  She straps the pouch on her right thigh before looking for Shadow's sheath. She places the daggers in the back waist line of her shorts.


Leilyn uses her ruined duvet and cleans the blood off her face, chest and feet. She reaches into nightstand drawers and gets a packet of gum, and tosses a ball into her mouth.


Leilyn then proceeds out of her room, going to take care of the rest intruders. By the dead woman's last statement, they weren't the only ones here. She walks out of her room, making sure not to step on blood. When she reaches the stairs, she hears voices.


"Where the hell are they?" A macho voice says angrily.


"Knowing those two, I won't be surprised if they're fucking." Snorts another masculine voice, this time younger.


"I'll go check on them." A feminine voice sighs out.


"Hurry up, before they get mad at us again." A masculine voice filled with boredom says.


Leilyn moves back, plastering her back to the way, few feet away from the stairs. Footsteps - no doubt belonging to the woman – ascends up the stairs. As the woman bypasses her without noticing her presence, Leilyn strikes. She takes hold of her head, and with fast and aggressive movement of her arms, Leilyn snaps her neck with a loud and sickening crack.


"Jo?" The young voice calls out. "What was that?"


Leilyn gently drops the body. She opens her pouch and grabs two kunais.


"Jo?" She hears the man with, the one whose voice is laced with boredom, make his way up the stairs.


With speed and agility, she dashes to the front of the stairs, and without hesitation, she throws the kunais with deadly accuracy. One hits him on temples and the other imbeds itself in an eye. For extra measures, Leilyn jumps and lands before him and swiftly beheads him with her now unsheathed blade.


"JAKE!" A banged up macho looking dude yelled, while a slim looking teen stares in shock.


Jakes head rolls down the stairs, leaving a bloody trail, while his body is pushed over the stair railing and lands with a thud on the tailed floor. Leilyn doesn't waste one moment in going after them. Immediately she removes the sword sheath from her back, she leaps into the air, flying at their direction and comes down hard, her blade singing in the air.


The macho man pushes the teen to the side with one arm, while the other raises up. Leilyn was expecting her blade to slice through arm and imbed into his head, but her blade was met with a loud clang. Her eyes goes wide slightly when she see his arm crystalizing. Not giving a fuck about the reason at the moment, she makes her neck move.


She adds weight on her upper body and - using her sword - she pushes herself back, feet skidding on the tiled floor. She swipes her hand, dashing at the fully crystalized man. Her sword meets his hand again and she narrows her eyes in disdain.


The two engages in a fierce battle. Leilyn slashes, kicks and punches, but they were all blocked with ease. He throws a punch at her and she leaps away, throwing a back flip, landing on her feet and hand, sword outstretched. His fist lands on the floor, creating a small crater.


"Rex! Don't injure her!" The teen in the background yells out.


"She's not making that easy!" Rex grits out, face twisting in pain.


With the lighting from the moon through the glass windows, Leilyn makes out glittering shards on the floor. Her eyes narrows into slits and her lips tilts into a wicked smirk.


With speed, she takes out another kunai with her left hand, giving it a quick spin with the hole in the handle, before she dashes at Rex. Once again, her blade meets his arm, but this time with more force. The man grunts, pushing her away. Before her feet touches the floor, Leilyn throws the kunai at him. He catches it, giving her an unimpressed look. Leilyn's smirk turns into a deadly smile.


The kunai suddenly releases a heavy electric shock, and Rex yells in pain. Not wavering, Leilyn dashes at him, sword raised. She uses her left palm and hits the butt of her sword handle, activating the swords electric covering.


Both the kunais and her twin swords were imbed with electric inhibitors (courtesy of Ying Mey). When activated, they coat the blade and when it hits the target, it gives them a dangerous amount of electricity shock. If Leilyn doesn't kill them on time, the shock will.


It seems that the electric shock from the kunai clearly affects him. Using his distraction, Leilyn activates the sword's electricity inhibitor and the blade is covered with electricity, which was zagging and ringing loudly in the room.




Leilyn drives her sword into the crystalized man's chest, straight into his heart and it comes out behind him. Rex lets out a gasp, looking at Leilyn with wide eyes. The crystal coating over him shatters and with it comes blood. Blood starts streaming down and he looks down at his wound in surprise. His hands shakenly holds the sword. The moment he raises his head back up, Leilyn gives the shocked man a soft smile, tilting her head to the left a little.


Leilyn reaches for Shadow, unsheathes it and drives it under his jaw with force.




Leilyn rips the dagger out abruptly, causing blood to gush out and splatter on her. She twirls the dagger and then drives it into Rex's head. Not satisfied, she rips it out again and pulls her sword out of him, moving back a little. Before his body could fall to the floor, Leilyn swiftly behead him with her still cackling sword, cutting his head clean off. She watches with blank eyes as his head rolls.


Leilyn slowly turns around, setting her gaze on the heavily breathing teen. He takes a step back, gazing at her bloody form with hateful eyes.


Leilyn knows that she makes a nightmarish picture. The blood on her face - mattered on her hair, making her fringes and bangs to stick on her face – and on her chest, the sword cackling with electricity in her right hand and the bloody dagger in her left.


What Leilyn doesn't know that it wasn't all these things that made the boy to be frightened. Instead, it was the expression in her eyes and on her face. In better words, the lack of one. Her eyes were blank, as were her face. Heck, it can be said that she look blankly bored. As if she didn't just kill someone in a gruesome way a second ago.


Leilyn sheaths her dagger back and switches off the Inhabitor, before taking slow steps towards the shaking boy. At first, she thought that it was from fear, but looking closely now, she could see that it was of rage.


Suddenly, the sounds of bone cracking comes up and Leilyn stops in her in her track. Before her, the boy starts changing into a tall beast with fur, claws and fangs.


What. The. Fuck?


If Leilyn doesn't know any better, she'd say the teen just transformed into a fucking Lycan. But… those aren't real… right?


'Well, there's a fucking fantasy creature standing before us and it sure as hell ain't a fucking unicorn.' Her inner voice supplies in a deadpanned tone.


The Lycan leaps at her with a roar, mouth bared and claws spread out. Leilyn jumps to the side, claws missing her. He comes at her again and she dashes off. She jumps on the head of her big couching, running on it, heading towards the glass windows. Her instinct tells her to leap into the air, and, like always in a situation like this, she listens. She jumps into the air, performing a triple somersault. The beast's claws missing her again, which made him to growl in clear frustration.


Her feet didn't even touch the floor before she's attacked again. Leilyn raises her sword up just in time and blade meets his claws with a loud clang. The force of their joining causes her to fly out, her back impacting with a glass window and shattering it. She lets out a pained yell as shards of glass imbed themselves into her back. She rolls three times, causing the shards to drive in deeper. She forces her body to stop rolling and uses her sword to fully stop herself before she made contact with the fence.


The bastard literally flung her out of her own home. Through a fucking glass window.


Leilyn stands up from her knees, face twisted in pain. She uses her left hand to touch her back, and she winces at the contact. She withdraws her hand, and makes an annoyed sound when she sees blood on her fingers. She lets out a low "Tch", clearly annoyed. She not only does she feel streams of blood flowing down her back, she also feels the Nanobots getting to work, pushing the shards out of her back in a fast pace and closing up the wounds.


Leilyn watches as the beast slowly comes out, stepping into the red moonlight. She takes a step and winces in pain. She looks down at her body and see that her back wasn't the only place with injuries. She has cuts on her laps and tiny pieces of shards imbedded here and there. The back of her legs aches with hot pain. She tchs once again, annoyance doubling.


Of all days to be attacked by a literal fantasy, it had to be today. Someone really has it out for her lately.


She swings her sword, the blade singing sharply. She takes a stance, distancing her legs. She angles her sword, the sharp side of it upright, and both hands on the hilt. Right now, with eyes narrowed and stance, she looks like a samurai of ancient. Sensei would be so proud if he could see her right now.


The Lycan lets out another roar before it comes at her. Leilyn adds some weight on the balls of her feet and with said weight, hurls herself at the incoming Lycan, running towards him with great speed.


Sword meets claws again and sparks fly. Leilyn grits her teeth as the collision causes a shockwave through her arms. She pushes, looking at the beast straight in the eyes. The look on her face must have pissed him off the more, seeing as not only does he starts to push back, his other clawed hand comes down on her.


Once again, Leilyn uses his size to hurl herself away. She skids back, feet burning in retaliation. She stands straight, giving a swing of her sword with her right hand. When she tries to move her left arm, she hisses in pain. She looks at it, eyes going wide as she sees the three claw marks on it. With the way blood flows out of them, she knows that they were deep. The Nanobots were already on it, sealing up the wound to prevent more blood loss.


Her momentarily distraction almost costs her. She raises her sword just in time, hissing when her injury flairs up.


She has to end this. Now.


It seems like the Lycan has the same plan, seeing as he encloses his hand around her sword, and with a loud snarl, he snaps the already weakened sword into two.


Leilyn eyes go wide for a moment before they narrow in rage.


This motherfucker didn't.


Ying Ming Mey is going to kill her.


With a snarl, she presses a tiny hidden button and twists the hilt of the sword and a beep goes off into the air. Leilyn lets go of the sword and leaps back quickly. Not a second later, it explodes, taking the Lycan's arm clean off. As the beast was distracted with screaming in agony, Leilyn unsheathes her sliver tanto, Merchant, and runs at him again.


He sees her coming and growls, arm raised. Leilyn reaches into her pouch and takes out a kunai. She hurriedly spins it twice before throwing it at him, aiming low. It imbeds into his leg and with a cackle, it releases a high voltage of electricity. He manages to pull it out, his body still twitching convulsively.


But it's too late.


The last thing he sees is Leilyn jumping on him and a painful sensation on his head before everything goes black.


Leilyn wraps her legs around the beast's shoulders and drives the dagger in deeper. She braces herself, as he falls on his back and lands with a heavy thud, dead.


Leilyn separates herself the Lycan's corpse, groaning as her muscles sing in agony. She steps away from the corpse and watches as the teens Lycan appearance resides for his human form to takes over. With a look of disdain, she rips the dagger from his skull, blood gushing out along with it.


Leilyn closes her eyes and heaves a deep, tired sigh, throwing her head back. As the adrenaline goes down, she starts to feel the prickling pain of her wounds. She hisses in pain when the wound on her left arms hits her the more. She sheaths back Merchant before grabbing her elbow. She raises it to it up, taking a close look at it.


They are not closing. Why aren't they closing? The Nanobots should be doing their job. Unless…


Leilyn narrows her eyes as she sees black like substances - unnoticeable unless one looks closely – coming down from the wound and trailing down to the floor. A thought suddenly comes to her and she inhales sharply.


It all makes sense now. The Nanobots aren't closing the wound because they are busy fighting a virus. All those movies about Werewolves are true then. If one gets bitten by a Were, or get scratched by a Lycan in this case, they become infected.


Shit. Shit. Shit.


She has to get back inside, most specifically her lab, and get rid of the virus currently trying to fight its way into her system.


She takes off towards the house, mind panicking. But that didn't make her to lose focus of her surroundings. She was almost at the window when something from the corner of her eyes catches her attention. She leaps out of the way, jumping to her left, missing a pinkish like ball of light aimed at her. Still in the air, she takes out a kunai, spines it two times before throwing it at the direction where the blast came from.


Her kunai, cackling with electricity, is blocked by a translucent shield of some sort. As she skids to a stop and takes a fighting stance, she finally has a clear view of the individuals behind the shield.


"I should have known." She starts, internally groaning. "When Shinji behaved the way he did, I should have known you three will be trouble."


Mrs. Rogers, her son and two others stands before her, all wearing black ceremonial robes like the others she killed.


Leilyn unsheathes both dagger from her waist and holds them in a battle stance. Her eyes were on them, narrowed and unblinking.


If they were here, that this they were in on all this.


Leilyn lets out a hiss of pain, her left arm burning. She throws a look at it and sees that black like veins are now running down on her arm. Her momentarily distraction draws her company to the injury on her arm.


"You're injured." Rogers junior says, taking few steps towards her. Leilyn raises her dagger higher, and he stops in his tracks.


"Huh. I didn't notice. Thanks Captain Obvious." She deadpans. Even in pain, she couldn't stop her sarcasm.


Her eyes room from one person to another, taking their forms in and calculating how to take them all down while avoiding their Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo shits.


"I take it you're all aware of the brat's condition then?" She jerks her head at the dead corpse afar off from them.


Mrs. Rogers' eyes crinkle as she smiles, looking amused.


"Of course we are dear. Seeing as we all have our own gift from our Lord, his was Lycanthropy."




"Lord? Gifts?" Leilyn tightens her grip on her daggers and her body went tense… er. "What the fuck are you even talking about?"


Mrs. Rogers and the others blink in confusion. Erik frowns, looking at her through narrowed eyes.


"…you don't know, do you?" Mrs. Rogers asks.


Leilyn makes an annoyed sound, brows furrowing with displeasure. This woman just outright called her dumb.


"Ahh. I take it that your Kitsune friend didn't inform you of what you are." Mrs. Rogers smiles tentatively at her.


Leilyn cocks an eyebrow at her, still confused.


"Well, that will be explained to you in moment. But for now," she claps her hand with a smile. "Let's get you ready. For the big event. We have to get rid of those disgusting wounds of yours. Sam."


The lady in front of them outstretches her hand and balls it into a fist. Leilyn snaps upright, her hands letting go of the daggers before her arms positions at her sides.


Leilyn couldn't move. She feels as if a tight rope has been tied around her. She struggles to drop her head down, looking at them with twitching eyes and lips. She snarls, fighting against her invisible bonds.


This is getting fucking ridiculous. First, it was wolf boy, now female Darth Vader. What the fuck is going on?


Leilyn keeps fighting against whatever was making her immobile. Unknowingly to her, the necklace Shinji gave to her begins to glow, giving a dull blue glow. Leilyn begins to snarl and rave as she fights. The lady, who seems to be the one holding her with an unknown force, starts struggling to keep her hand fisted.


"What?!" Sam shouts. "I thought the amulet has been weakened!"


"It is!" Rogers junior yells out, taking a step back. "We weakened it, along with the wards around the house!"


"This doesn't look weak to me!"


With one finally push of her arms, Leilyn breaks free. Her sudden freedom has Sam flung backwards by a force and she hits a tree.


Leilyn hurriedly brings out her last two kunais, but before she could do anything with them, she's rendered unconscious by a red blast, which came from the twig Mrs. Rogers is holding.




Leilyn wakes to the voices of people. She struggles to open her eyes. She fights off the dizzy for a minute before she fully gain consciousness.


The first thing she notices that she's laying on a hard surface, facing the vivid blood red moon. The second is that her hands and feet are bound by metal chains. She tries to bolt up but is prevented by them. She pulls at the chains, not giving a fuck as they rubbed roughly at her skin.


"I see you're back with us, Mrs. Sinclair."


That has her snapping her head up. She finally notices the people surrounding her.  The first person she takes notice of is Mr. Rogers. She turns her head left, right, down, and up. Through her survey, she notices three things. One, they are clearly deep into the woods; two, her injuries were no more, the skin on her bicep with no blemish; and three, she has clearly been given a thorough cleaning – seeing as she doesn't feel the all too familiar feeling of dried blood on her – and is clothed in a white dress, her hair loss from her braid.


She has this weird feeling, as if she's a sacrifice about to be offered to some made up, non-existent god at the moment.


Leilyn's face takes a deadpan expression as she sighs internally. Oh boy…


"Xander, please." She sighs out. "Sinclair is my father's surname, and seeing as the fucker's dead and gone…" She manages a shrug.


Mr. Rogers chuckles. "By your hands, I take it?"


Leilyn smirks.


"So, do you mind telling me why I'm here?" She tugs questioningly at her restraints. Mr. Rogers opens his mouth to reply, but Leilyn hurriedly adds. "And please, do skip the long ass monologue."


Mr. Rogers blinks before huffing in amusement. He folds his arms behind his back as he walks over to her side.


"You see, Ms. Xander," he looks down at her with a smile. "You're here because you are about to become a chosen sacrifice for our Lord."


Leilyn gives him a dry and flat look, hands opening in a 'Duh' gesture.


"Anddd?" She blinks, a smile on her face. "Does your Lord perchance have a name or…" She waves her hands, her lips curling.


Mr. Rogers frowns at her, baffled by her reactions. She behaves as if she wasn't afraid.


Mrs. Rogers steps forward, taking over. "You, Ms. Xander, are about to be sacrificed to our Master, Gaoezil."


"Huh." Leilyn turns and gives her an unimpressed look. What a weak ass name. "Okay. Now, let's skip to the part on why of all people, y'all targeted me."


"It's simple. You're a Blessed."


"A what?" Leilyn cocks an eyebrow.


Mr. Rogers starts walking around. "You, Ms. Xander, are part of a rare group of people who're touched by high ranking gods and goddesses. Your kind is so rare and precious that they are protected with extreme measure when found; and you're no different. It took all of us combined two months to weaken the amulet on your neck and the wards around your house. You, my dear, were protected by not only a Kitsune, but also an Eldritch entity, who are so powerful that we have to take caution when dealing with the seals and wards. But we have managed to get you now. Your Blessed blood will serve well in breaking the final chains sealing our master. Rejoice."


If Leilyn's dry look could get any drier, it certainly just did.


"Father." The daughter speaks up. "It's almost five minutes to three am. It's time."


"Three AM?" Leilyn brows furrow in confusion. "I have been out for that long?" She mutters.


Her confused muttering is clearly heard by the group surrounding her and Mr. Rogers answers her question.


"Yes, you have. I apologize for the rough handling of Rexamon and Philip. Philip especially. We managed to remove the Lycan infection from you veins, but not all of it. If you were to live, there will be some effects."


Leilyn shrugs. "No harm, no foul. I did kill them and a few others after all." Her lips curves into a smug smirk.


Mr. Rogers' eye twitch at the reminder. "Yes. Yes you did. Quite brutally might I add."


Leilyn shrugs again. "Was having a bad day."


A pregnant silence falls on them, not like Leilyn cares. She just stares at the moon, thoughts going through her mind. She's so lost in her thought that she doesn't notice when they start chanting again, Mrs. Rogers handing an ornate knife over to her husband. Leilyn finally comes back to the present when Mr. Rogers comes to stand before her, ornate knife hovering above her.


Leilyn sighs. "Just get this over with. I have somewhere to be."


Mr. Rogers regards her with a frown. "…you're one strange woman, Ms. Xander. Even when death is standing before you, you don't flinch or panic. Why?"


Leilyn closes her eyes with a smile on her lips. "You can say that the bastard is an old friend. We go way back. I've sent so many souls into Its way, so I guess it's now my turn to be sent to them. I always knew I was meeting the fucker one day." She chuckles. She opens one eye and looks at him. "Besides, there's absolutely no way I'm getting out of this alive. It's goddamn obvious." She closes her eye. "Just make it quick. I have people to meet on the other side. If there's actually one that is. If there isn't, oh well. To the abyss I go. Just hurry the fuck up."


Mr. Rogers share a look between his crew, honestly baffled by this woman.


With one last chant and obnoxious words shouted, the knife is driven into Leilyn's chest; through her breast and into her heart.


Her eyes snaps opens as she yell out a cry of pain when she feels the hot, snaring pain exploding in her chest as the knife is driven in to the hilt. She feels as her blood starts leaving her wound and drips down from the alter and over to the large seal few inches away from her. The seal lights up a blood red, glowing eerily. The people starts chanting louder.


It must have worked because of the eruption of joyous shouts around. Leilyn slowly brings her head down, trying to take a look at whatever the idiots summoned. Although she's partly blocked by the hilt of the knife in her fucking chest, she makes out a silhouette of a huge ass figure rising up from the ground. The moon suddenly turns darker, gaining Leilyn attention. She looks back up, eyes once again devouring the moon. She coughs up a huge amount of blood, the red essence trailing down her lips.


Leilyn feels numb. She couldn't feel anything at all. She stares above as her life slowly expires.


Something must have gone wrong because shouts of despair erupts. She hears the all too familiar sound of blood splatter, flesh tearing, bone breaking and someone being set ablaze. Screams of agony breaks out, but she pays them no heed. All she's focused on is the moon above her. After all, she's dead.


With her brother's name on her tongue, Leilyn breaths her last.


The last thing she sees is something - mostly an angel about to drag her to her brother - with black wings flying down towards her.


'How dramatic.' Is the last thought in her head as her now dull agate eyes closes in death.